Python, SQL, and Powershell scripts that pull category, assignment, and grade information from Canvas LMS to Infinite Campus SIS.
Bernt Jenkins @brjinx
Tanner Crook @tannercrook
Originally created by the owners at their positions at LCSD#2 in Afton, WY, USA. Permissions was given to open-source. Mentions: Jesse Cole for being a wizard. Kyle Weber for being a great boss.
Use and your own risk! There are a number of technical requirements and customizations required to make this work and it can be tailored to various scenarios.
The project is very much still being developed ongoing. At this point, implmentation is not documented and will require quite a bit of customization to implement with your organization.
Documentation will be added as created.
Feel free to contribute! This project was open sourced to help educational organizations and if you can help make that better it is appreciated! Make sure to document well and make it as generic as possible as to work with various setups and scenarios.