A library for PWGL that defines rules for the PWGL library Cluster Engine by Örjan Sandred.
NOTE: Patches created with this library do not automatically load this library. So, whenever you use this library make sure you either manually load it every time before loading a patch using it, or you set this library for auto-loading in the PWGL in the menu File > Autoload Libraries.
Small print: The reason for this quirk is that I renamed the library from its original name cluster-rules into the new pwgl-cluster-rules, to distinguish it from a new version called cluster-rules that does not depend on PWGL anymore. The problem above would be avoided by also renaming its CL package into pwgl-cluster-rules, but then not only every source file, but worse also every tutorial patch would need updating, and every box from this library in every tutorial patch would need replacing. I simply did not want to do that… I meanwhile found ways how to write libraries that could be loaded both into PWGL and plain Common Lisp, but so far I did not feel the need to update this library when the problem could simply be circumvented by loading the library as described above.