An agent for running the unit tests on the CLI environment for the Java platform.
In the Java platform, we usually run the unit tests through some build tool, such as Maven, Gradle, and so on. However, it is hard to run the unit tests on the CLI environment.
Calculating test coverages is also complicated for novice programmers. Since, it requires understanding how to use several libraries (unit test library, coverage measuring library, and the build tool).
Running the unit tests and calculating test coverages usually requires software projects. It is generally tiresome for calculating test coverages of toy programs with their unit tests.
Therefore, we developed omelette
for running unit tests and calculating test coverages in the CLI environment for the Java platform.
omelette version 1.0.0
-c, --classpath <PATH> specifies classpath list separated with a colon, or defines several options.
-d, --delete-tempfiles deletes temporary files after running.
-e, --excludes <REGEXP> specifies target exclusion rules for unit tests. Default is "" (no filtering).
-i, --includes <REGEXP> specifies target inclusion rules for unit tests. Default is "" (no filtering).
-n, --no-coverage calculates no coverage of test codes.
-p, --product-code <DIR> specifies the directory contains the product codes.
-t, --test-code <DIR> specifies the directory contains the test codes.
-v, --verbose verbose mode.
-h, --help prints this message.
PROJECT_DIR specifies the directory contains the product codes and the unit test codes.
PROJECT_NAME specifies the project name for destination file. Default is "unknown".
- Runtime
- bash completion 2.x or later.
- Java 10 or later.
- JUnit 4 4.13, hamcrest-all 1.3
- JaCoCo 0.8.5
- Development
- Go lang 10.x or later.
- Dependent Libraries
- pflag v1.0.5
brew install tamada/brew/omelette
go get
After downloading omelette
, run the following script.
cd ~/go/src/; ./bin/
git clone
cd omelette
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
- This license permits
- 👍 Commercial use,
- 👍 Modification,
- 👍 Distribution, and
- 👍 Private use.
Because the lunch was omelette, when I developed this product.
Icons made by Nhor Phai from