Pyttsx for python3 [ Offline text to speech for python3]
Pyttsx is a good text to speech conversion library in python but it was written only in python2 untill now ! Even some fair amount of googling didn't help much to get a tts library compatible with Python3.
There is however , one library gTTS which works perfectly in python3 but it needs internet connection to work since it relies on google to get the audio data.But Pyttsx is completely offline and works seemlesly and has multiple tts-engine support.The codes in this repos are modified version of the pyttsx module of python 2.x and most of it is implemented from westonpace's repo. The purpose of creating this repo is to help those who want to have an offline tts lib for Python3 and don't want to port it from python2 to python3 themselves.
Note : pyttsx3 library now works for both python2 and python3 and is also cross-platform
pip install pyttsx3
import pyttsx3; engine = pyttsx3.init(); engine.say("I will speak this text"); engine.runAndWait() ;
- sapi5
- nsss
- espeak
Feel free to wrap another text-to-speech engine for use with pyttsx3.
- Python Package Index for downloads (
- GitHub site for source , bugs, and Q&A (
- Read the Full documentation at (