"Nevertheless... the turtle moves!" - Small Gods, by Terry Pratchett
This is a Turtle module for the Jupyter Notebook. It's based on code by aspidites, one of two groups at Macewan University that built Turtle as a class assignment (the other was PACattack; I could have based this on either, but I had to pick one).
Install it in a terminal/command prompt with:
pip install mobilechelonian
Using it looks like this:
from mobilechelonian import Turtle t = Turtle() t.speed(5) colours=["red","blue","yellow","brown","black","purple","green"] t.penup(); t.left(90); t.forward(200);t.right(90);t.pendown() for i in range (0,18): t.pencolor(colours[i%7]) t.right(20) t.forward(50) t.right(180) t.home()