A python script to get some basic data about domains from a server with plesk panel. Except from the data that plesk's api returns (id, domain, created datetime, type, status), the script also returns the domain's current ip, certificate expiration and issuer.
It's recommended to use Python 3.7 or newer.
pip install git+https://github.com/takisrs/py-plesk-domains.git
pip install py-plesk-domains
Alternatively, you may run it quickly through docker...
By cloning this repo and using the provided docker-compose.yml file:
docker-compose run --rm py-plesk-domains server-hostname.com -u admin -o ./ -p
Or by pulling and running a container of the image that has been uploaded to the docker hub:
docker container run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/app takisrs/py-plesk-domains server-hostname.com -u admin -o ./ -p
panos@panos-linux:~$ py-plesk-domains -h
usage: py-plesk-domains [-h] -u USERNAME -p [PASSWORD] [-s {name,created,type,status,ip,expiry_date,issuer}] [-f {plain,simple,github,grid,fancy_grid,pipe,orgtbl,jira,presto,pretty,psql,rst,mediawiki,moinmoin,youtrack,html,latex,latex_raw,latex_booktabs,textile}]
Returns the domains from a server with plesk panel with some extra info for each domain (current domain's ip address, certificate expiration date, certificate issuer).
positional arguments:
host server hostname or ip address
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME Plesk administrator username
-p [PASSWORD] Plesk administrator password
-s {name,created,type,status,ip,expiry_date,issuer}
Select a sorting option. Default: created
-f {plain,simple,github,grid,fancy_grid,pipe,orgtbl,jira,presto,pretty,psql,rst,mediawiki,moinmoin,youtrack,html,latex,latex_raw,latex_booktabs,textile}
Select a formatting option for the table. Default: pretty
-o CSVPATH Optionally, Provide a path to export the data in a csv file
Example command:
py-plesk-domains server-hostname.com -u admin -s expiry_date -f rst -o ~/domains/ -p