This app is based on HighLoad Cup 2017 Task (but the app isn't focused on highload)
It's a REST golang app that works with database.
ORM library: gorm
HTTP router: mux
Used database is SQLite, but it can be easy substituted for another type of database with which GORM can work.
go >= 1.10
git clone
cd golang_rest_app
go get -d -v
go run main.go
Go to repo directory in Docker shell and run:
docker build -t rest_app:latest . -f Dockerfile.multi
docker run -p 8000:8000 --name rest_app --rm rest_app
Press Ctrl+C to detach from container.
App is running on port 8000 of your docker machine. You can make requests with curl, Postman etc. For example, curl:
curl -X GET
where is docker machine address
You can view files in container with sh:
docker exec -it rest_app /bin/sh
And copy files from container to host machine:
docker cp container_id:/container/file/path /host/file/path
For example:
docker cp rest_app:/app/log.log C:\\Users\\User1\\go_rest_files
docker cp rest_app:/app/data.db C:\\Users\\User1\\go_rest_files
to copy logs and database.
Go to repo directory and run
go test
- users
- locations
- visits
- id
- first_name
- last_name
- gender - "f" for female or "m" for male
- birth_date - timestamp
- id
- place - location description
- country
- city
- distance - distance from city in km
- id
- location - id of visit location
- user - id of user who made visit
- visited_at - timestamp
- mark - 0 to 5
Get parameters:
- fromAge - consider marks only from users with age more than specified in parameter
- toAge - consider marks only from users with age less than specified in parameter
- gender - consider marks only from users with specified gender (m or f)
- fromDate - consider marks only from visits with date more than specified in parameter
- toDate - consider marks only from visits with date less than specified in parameter
Update info about entity. New values for fields are specified in JSON body.
Create new entity. All fields (from entities' models) are required. Fields are specified in JSON body.