Distro: Arch Linux.
sudo pacman -S git wget curl ripgrep unzip ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd fzf fd
git clone https://github.com/taitesen/nvim.git ~/.config/nvim && cd ~/.config/nvim && nvim
Run: :MasonInstallAll
in neovim, after plugins are finished installing.
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/state/nvim ~/.cache/nvim
keys | actions |
sf | find_files |
ss | grep_string |
sg | live_grep |
sb | buffers |
sr | opens '~/.config' directory |
LEADER + vh | help_tags |
keys | actions |
;s | workspace_symbol |
;d | vim.diagnostic.open_float() |
;a | code_action |
;r | references |
;n | rename |
;f | format |
gd | definition |
K | hover |
[d | diagnostic.goto_next |
]d | diagnostic.goto_prev |
Zen Mode
keys | actions |
LEADER + zz | Zen Mode with line-numbers |
LEADER + zZ | Zen Mode OG |
ThePrimeagen Harpoon
keys | actions |
LEADERrr | Harpoon UI Toggle |
LEADERra | Add file to harpoon |
LEADER1 | Switch to harpoon List 1 |
LEADER2 | Switch to harpoon List 2 |
LEADER3 | Switch to harpoon List 3 |
LEADER4 | Switch to harpoon List 4 |
keys | actions |
d | create directory |
% | create file |
D | delete |
CTRL + n | Open Netrw |
R | rename |
keys | actions |
SHITF + l | previous buffer |
SHITF + h | next buffer |
SHITF + x | delete buffer |
LEADER + co | opens 'opens nvim-keymaps configuration' |