This is a logaling-command wrapper. You can use logaling-command on Vim.
Needless to say, you're a user of logaling-command.
If not, you have to install logaling-command.
gem install logaling-command
If you use Vundle it's very easy, you just run command :BundleInstall tacahiroy/vim-logaling
on Vim.
And also put Bundle 'tacahiroy/vim-logaling'
into .vimrc
If you use pathogen.vim, you just execute following:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
If you don't use either, you must copy 'autoload', 'plugin' and 'doc'
directories in $HOME/.vim directory.
On windows, you must copy to $HOME/vimfiles directory instead of $HOME/.vim.
Copyright (c) 2012 tacahiroy. Distributed under the MIT License.