3 mev-geth nodes (
branch) and 1 bootnode (to allow peering) on a shared docker network -
The 3 nodes are mining, with 8 threads, and propagate txs/blocks upon mining as expected (though DAG generation can take a long time)
to force the london hardfork from genesis block- Confimed by making sure
is exposed in the block header
- Confimed by making sure
All nodes have their RPCs (port :8545) enabled + binded to :1111, :1112, :1113, :1114 ports on the host machine (to send txs to them)
Also a network dashboard to help debug (making sure blocks are mined, peers are alive), can be visited by opening the random port (assigned by docker after running) in the browser
First, build the required docker images
Next, deploy + start the containers
./run deploy
To stop/start after:
./run stop
and./run start
send sample tx (to a random peer RPC):
npm run sendTx
run deploy
run start
run stop
run login nodename
run geth nodename
run log nodeName
^nodeName = ethbn/eth1/eth2/eth3
Next steps:
Migrating to ethers, relevant ethers-io/ethers.js#1685
Adjust gaslimit in the genesis.json file to test for the following conditions:
Each block’s baseFeePerGas can increase/decrease by up to 12.5% depending on how full the block is relative to the previous one: e.g. 100% full -> +12.5%, 50% full -> same, 0% full -> -12.5%.
Making sure bundles don't break this^
Migrating old bundle flow rate script here to stress test the basefee + how tip must be adjusted to get included