VSCode Typed Theme Generator(VTTG) is a programatically, strong typing Theme generator for VSCode. No more mess up with JSON files and hard maintain HEX color.
$ npm install vscode-typed-theme-generator
$ yarn add vscode-typed-theme-generator
- With JS/TS, now you can just install the color pallete (Material Design Colors or Tailwind Colors) you like and import to use in your design.
- Design your theme with TypeScript and well type definition including every property information (hovering).
- Support generate variant colors theme with variable.
- Provide a helper function to add alpha (in rgba) to color and even variable.
- Regenerate themes after edited (watch mode) with
add update contribution field inpackage.json
You can first using VSCode's yeoman extension generator to help you generate a skeleton of your theme project.
Here is a small example for how to use this extension:
import md from 'material-colors-ts';
import {
} from 'vscode-typed-theme-generator';
// if you want to create several themes with difference color based
const [variant, Variable] = createVariant({
default: { bg1: '#07090F', bg2: '#17191F' },
black: { bg1: '#010109', bg2: '#111119' },
// define your UI color token with color palette you like,
// also, you can use variant variable as color value.
const uiColor: UiColor = {
focusBorder: md.deepPurple.A700,
foreground: md.blueGrey[100],
// opacity helper function help you add alpha value to hex color
errorForeground: opacity(md.pink[700], 0.5),
'icon.foreground': opacity(md.deepPurple.A100, '33'),
// opacity function even support variable
'list.inactiveSelectionBackground': opacity(Variable.bg2, 0.7),
'activityBar.background': Variable.bg1,
// ...more UI color tokens
// if you use variant color variable, make sure you create variant UI color token
// with createVariantUiColor function.
const variantUiColor = createVariantUiColor(uiColor, variant);
// token color also support variant and createVariantTokenColors, use as you needed.
const tokenColors: TokenColor[] = [
name: 'Operators',
scope: ['keyword.operator', 'keyword.control.ternary', 'keyword.control.anchor.regexp'],
settings: {
fontStyle: '',
foreground: md.lightGreen.A200,
// ...more syntax color tokens
// support semantic token color types (1.2.0), token types and tokens modifiers enum (1.3.0)
const semanticTokenColors: SemanticTokenColors = {
[`${Type.variable}.${Mod.readonly}.javascript`]: md.blue[500],
// extract the variant labels
type VariantKey = keyof typeof variantUiColor;
// create corresponding theme name.
const names: Record<VariantKey, string> = {
default: 'Your Theme',
black: 'Your Theme (Black)',
// create the config for final generation.
const config: CreateVsCodeThemeConfig = {
// the absolute path of your project root
rootPath: process.cwd(),
// the folder name which your final theme files output
outputFolder: 'themes',
// if true, VTTG will help you to update contributes field in your package.json
isOverridePackageJson: true,
// You can use a loop or hand writing array literal to list out all your themes metadata
themes: Object.entries(variantUiColor).map<VsCodeThemeMeta>(entry => {
const [variant, uiColor] = entry as [VariantKey, UiColor];
return {
uiTheme: 'vs-dark',
filename: `${variant}.json`,
theme: {
name: names[variant],
semanticHighlighting: true,
colors: uiColor,
// finally call createVsCodeTheme function to generate all themes.
// you can also provide an optional stringify function as second argument
.then(() => console.log('Themes created!'))
.catch(error => console.log('Error: ', error));
If you need watch mode for keep regenerating themes in realtime, you can use with ts-node-dev
for ts
or nodemon
for js
$ npm i -D ts-node-dev typescript
Setup the scripts
in package.json.
"scripts": {
"dev": "tsnd --respawn path/to/your/script.ts"
A real world example is my theme Dark Lavender.