Janus WebRTC Gateway SDK is a development suite that facilitiates plugins development. The SDK does not require to compile entire Janus WebRTC Gateway and all its dependencies from scratch.
Install relevant version of the precompiled Janus WebRTC Gateway from:
To setup development environment please follow the guide under following link:
Once it is installed open mingw32 or mingw64 shell and install additional MSYS2 tools:
pacman -S --noconfirm make libtool autoconf automake wget
Download relevant version of Janus WebRTC Gateway SDK:
wget https://github.com/marcin-sielski/janus-gateway-sdk/archive/v0.2.0.W.tar.gz
tar -xzvf v0.2.0.W.tar.gz
cd janus-gateway-sdk
For x86 open Windows console as an Administrator and execute:
mklink /J c:\msys64\mingw32 "c:\Program Files (x86)\Janus WebRTC Gateway\mingw32"
For x64 open Windows console as an Administrator and execute:
mklink /J c:\msys64\mingw64 "c:\Program Files\Janus WebRTC Gateway\mingw64"
To compile plugins from the SDK open mingw32 or mingw64 shell and execute:
./configure --prefix=$MINGW_PREFIX/usr
make install