Dotfiles managed by chezmoi, pass and reaver.
Only works on some Linux distro including:
, ... frozen from now, i don't recommend install my dotfiles on it, need motivation and time here...Gentoo
, tested with systemd, musl (openrc) and/or binaries.Void Linux
, tested on a clean install of the rootfs-glibc and rootfs-musl.
Why i use chezmoi?
- Even with GNU/Stow, i have to modify a lot of files each time i install/reinstall a new system, i start hating this !
- Template are great.
- Possibility of encrypt files.
- Install and updates are easy.
Holy (Wayland) | Focus (Xorg) |
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Cat | Name | Notes |
Audio Driver | Alsa or Pulseaudio | Can be change in the config file |
Window Manager | Swayfx or Awesome | Wayland or Xorg |
Web browser | brave or librewolf | |
Image Viewer | imv or feh | Depend of Wayland or Xorg |
Lock Screen | betterlockscreen | Not yet for Wayland |
Music Daemon | mpd with playerctl | with ncmpcpp, mpc |
Video Player | mpv | |
Email reader | neomutt | with isync, customized from sheoak |
Taking note | notesnook | Write notes (offline), encrypted, sync on all your devices. |
Screen capture | grim or maim | Wayland or Xorg |
News Reader | raven | Collect news, read them offline. |
Terminal multiplexer | tmux | with catppucin, mode indicator |
File Manager | NNN and Thunar or Nemo | Thunar (if choose Alsa) or Nemo (Pulseaudio). Dropped vifm sdushantha |
Code Editor | Neovim or doomemacs | Wayland or Xorg, doom don't work on wayland unless you install Xwayland |
IRC client | Weechat will be dropped soon, Prefer Signal or better Session, not IRC | |
Terminal | Wezterm or xSt | Wayland or Xorg again |
zathura | PDF/Epub viewer | |
Shell | ZSH | With ohmyzsh, starship, autosuggestion, and more... |
If need a new user (new system), create one:
useradd -m -s /bin/bash custom-username
passwd custom-username
Next, you need to install and configure sudo
or doas
, we need permission to install packages:
# EDITOR=vi visudo
custom-username ALL=(ALL) ALL
You need to install chezmoi
and git
With Gentoo
# emerge -av dev-vcs/git
$ curl -fsLS | sh
With Arch
# pacman -S chezmoi git vi
With Debian
# apt-get install curl git
$ curl -fsLS | sh
For Voidlinux
# xbps-install -S chezmoi git
Only 4 little steps here
$ chezmoi init
To test the ansible branch, (also look the branch for additionnal instructions)
$ chezmoi init --branch=ansible
Edit the config file with your favorite text editor.
$ EDITOR=vim chezmoi edit-config
You can change for example in [data]
sound = "pulseaudio"
web = "librewolf"
It will install firefox rather than brave-bin and modify a lot of things during the install.
will install all the dependencies and add files to your $HOME.
$ chezmoi apply
If /tmp is protected with noexec
, you need to tell chezmoi
to use another dir
$ mkdir $HOME/tmp
$ TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp chezmoi apply
From time to time, start the update simply with:
$ chezmoi diff
$ chezmoi update
After the first install, if you need-want to use doomemacs, you have to finish the installation with a single command:
$ doom sync
If you have not yet configure X, change the keyboard layout like this:
$ localectl list-x11-keymap-layouts | grep fr
$ sudo localectl set-x11-keymap fr
For any questions, comments, feedback or issues, submit a new issue.
Any support are greatly appreciated, star the repo, donations... thanks you!