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📋clipy: Manage Your Clipboard History

clipy is a simple tool that saves your clipboard history to a local sqlite database and lets you browse and select entries using an fzf-like interface.

How to install

To install clipy using Go, run:

$ go install

Or, download it:

GitHub Releases

How to use

Run clipy shell to generate a shell script, and then add it to your zshrc or bashrc file for seamless integration.

$ clipy shell zsh | tee -a ~/.zshrc

# Run daemon

__clipy_history() {
    BUFFER="${BUFFER}"$(clipy history --tmux)
    zle redisplay
zle -N __clipy_history

# Bind the function to Ctrl+j
bindkey "^j" __clipy_history
$ source ~/.zshrc

Use the clipy command to start a background daemon. This daemon monitors your clipboard for new entries and saves them to the local sqlite database.

$ clipy

Access your clipboard history with the clipy history command. If you've set up the shell integration, you can invoke this with Ctrl + J for quick access.

$ clipy history 

Use the --limit option to specify the maximum number of entries to display initially.

$ clipy history --limit 100

If you're using tmux, you can display the history in a popup using tmux display-popup.

That's it! 🚀

Future Work or Idea

Sync Across Machines: Integrate with Litestream to sync clipboard history between machines seamlessly.

Clipboard Server: Run clipy as a centralized clipboard server to share and manage history across multiple devices.
