Eleos Charity based on top of Drupal Recipes
If you are installing everything from scratch, we recommend DDEV for running Drupal.
Create a new project and configure it:
mkdir eleos-charity cd eleos-charity ddev config --project-type drupal --docroot web --php-version 8.3 ddev start ddev composer create drupal/recommended-project -y ddev composer require --dev drush/drush ddev composer config minimum-stability dev ddev drush site:install minimal --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin -y ddev composer require --dev drupal/core-dev ddev drush theme:enable claro ddev drush config-set system.theme default claro -y ddev snapshot --name=eleos_charity
Update composer.json to define a recipe path: Add to
:"web/recipes/contrib/{$name}": [ "type:drupal-recipe" ],
Pull this recipe to your file system:
ddev composer require systemseed/eleos_charity
Clear the cache:
ddev drush cr
Install the recipe: To install only the "Commerce Base" recipe:
ddev drush recipe recipes/contrib/eleos_charity/eleos_charity_commerce_base
To install the full Eleos Charity recipe Suite:
ddev drush recipe recipes/contrib/eleos_charity
Login and go to the ddev environment to the following path
and ensure thatDefault Store
was created automatically.ddev drush user:login
recipe for contributions:rm -r web/recipes/contrib/eleos_charity git clone git@github.com:systemseed/eleos_charity.git web/recipes/contrib/eleos_charity