Ruminaq is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is to give you an environment for creation and execution of data flow diagrams. You can create diagrams consisting of predefined or user-written blocks. You can run your diagram within Eclipse.
Add more general information about project. What the purpose of the project is? Motivation?
- Tech 1 - version 1.0
- Tech 2 - version 2.0
- Tech 3 - version 3.0
Describe how to install / setup your local environement / add link to demo version.
Show examples of usage:
List of features ready and TODOs for future development
- Awesome feature 1
- Awesome feature 2
- Awesome feature 3
To-do list:
- Wow improvement to be done 1
- Wow improvement to be done 2
Project is: in progress, finished, no longer continue and why?
Add here credits. Project inspired by..., based on...
Created by Marek Jagielski.