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  • Loading branch information committed Apr 28, 2020
1 parent 7073ddf commit 4b7c7f6
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Showing 8 changed files with 11,066 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Binary file added 20160419_MR_CystC_Power_Binary_ratio.pdf
Binary file not shown.
9,891 changes: 9,891 additions & 0 deletions 20160419_MR_CystC_Powerrr.txt

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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions 20160419_MR_CystC_Powerrr_at80.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Disease N Case/Control Ratio r^2 P threshold EffectSize Power
HF 36788 9.694186047 0.0275 0.01 0.369639484342174 0.801547443169965
HF 36788 9.694186047 0.0275 0.01 0.370639484342174 0.804117756345064
HF 36788 9.694186047 0.0275 0.01 0.371639484342174 0.806667765732816
HF 36788 9.694186047 0.0275 0.01 0.372639484342174 0.809197414784359
MI 41171 6.234405201 0.0275 0.01 0.294639484342174 0.801200204420579
MI 41171 6.234405201 0.0275 0.01 0.295639484342174 0.804423800917354
MI 41171 6.234405201 0.0275 0.01 0.296639484342174 0.807615454037129
CHD 149804 2.478313365 0.0275 0.01 0.118639484342174 0.808007919420374
IS 119036 6.092230696 0.0275 0.01 0.171639484342174 0.800056810945383
IS 119036 6.092230696 0.0275 0.01 0.172639484342174 0.805583591677602
CVD 252216 2.984958605 0.0275 0.01 0.0956394843421737 0.809886478149808
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions 2016_jacc_27561768_vanderlaan_sw_cystatinc.Rproj
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
310 changes: 310 additions & 0 deletions MR_Power_Binary.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
# Version: POWER_MR.v3.20160419
# Last update: 2016-04-19
# Written by: Sander W. van der Laan (
# Description: Script to calculate power for MR (for a binary trait) in
# various situation and plot it.
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rm(list = ls())

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

### FUNCTION TO INSTALL PACKAGES, VERSION A -- This is a function found by
### Sander W. van der Laan online from @Samir:
### Compared to VERSION 1 the advantage is that it will automatically check in both CRAN and Bioconductor <- function(x) {
x <- as.character(substitute(x))
if (isTRUE(x %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("require(\"%s\")", x)))
} else {
# Update installed packages - this may mean a full upgrade of R, which in turn
# may not be warrented.
#update.packages(ask = FALSE)
eval(parse(text = sprintf("install.packages(\"%s\", dependencies = TRUE)", x)))
if (isTRUE(x %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE))) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("require(\"%s\")", x)))
} else {
# Update installed packages - this may mean a full upgrade of R, which in turn
# may not be warrented.
#biocLite(character(), ask = FALSE)
eval(parse(text = sprintf("biocLite(\"%s\")", x)))
eval(parse(text = sprintf("require(\"%s\")", x)))

# Create datestamp
Today = format(as.Date(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())), "%Y%m%d")

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Assess where we are
# Set locations
ROOT_loc = "/Users/swvanderlaan/PLINK/analyses/cystatinc/"
OUT_loc = "/Users/swvanderlaan/PLINK/analyses/cystatinc/power"

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reference:,
# Appendix:

# Take the inverse of the logit(Z) from some logistic regression
expit <- function(x) {
return(exp(x)/(1 + exp(x)))

### Calculations of one specific scenario.

## Setting the things
#rsq = 0.0275 # squared correlation of SNP with biomarker
##b1 = 0.2 # causal effect (log odds ratio per SD
#b1 = log(1.79) # or log of OR per SD)
#sig = 0.05 # significance level (alpha)
#pow = 0.8 # power level (1-beta)
#ratio = 1000/30000 # ratio of cases:controls = 1:ratio
## When you don't know your total sample size, but you know the power
#cat("Sample size required for", pow*100, "% power: \n")
#samplesize <- (qnorm(1 - sig/2) + qnorm(pow)) ^ 2/b1 ^ 2/rsq/(ratio/(1 + ratio))/(1/(1 + ratio))
## When you do have a sample size, but you don't know the power.
#n = 40000 # Sample size
#cat("Power of analysis with", n, "participants: \n")
#power <- pnorm(sqrt(n*rsq*(ratio/(1 + ratio))*(1/(1 + ratio)))*b1 - qnorm(1 - sig/2))

### Calculation of a range of scenarios
# SNP vs. CystC levels:
beta = -0.091227

# Let's make a dataframe for multiple scenarios
# Sample sizes Ratio Cases Controls
# HF = 36788 9.694186047 3,440 33,348
# MI = 41171 6.234405201 5,691 35,480
# CHD = 149804 2.478313365 43,068 106,736
# Stroke = 119036 6.092230696 16,784 102,252
# CVD = 252216 2.984958605 63,292 188,924

# Fully adjusted - Observational analysis Logistic & Cox
#Trait analysis_type OR low CI high CI beta low CI high CI cases controls n k ratio R2 p
#CHD logistic; incident + prevalent 1.53 1.29 1.82 0.427 0.255 0.599 43068 106736 149804 0.403500225 2.478313365 0.0275 0.0100
#Stroke logistic; incident + prevalent 1.52 1.22 1.89 0.418 0.199 0.637 16784 102252 119036 0.164143489 6.092230696 0.0275 0.0100
#HF logistic; incident + prevalent 4.77 3.53 6.44 1.562 1.262 1.862 3440 33348 36788 0.103154612 9.694186047 0.0275 0.0100
#MI logistic; incident + prevalent 1.21 0.95 1.53 0.188 -0.052 0.428 5691 35480 41171 0.160400225 6.234405201 0.0275 0.0100
#CVD logistic; incident + prevalent 1.82 1.56 2.13 0.601 0.447 0.755 63292 188924 252216 0.335013021 2.984958605 0.0275 0.0100
#CHD cox; incident only 1.93 1.54 2.43 0.659 0.431 0.887 43068 106736 149804 0.403500225 2.478313365 0.0275 0.0100
#Stroke cox; incident only 1.50 1.09 2.05 0.403 0.090 0.716 16784 102252 119036 0.164143489 6.092230696 0.0275 0.0100
#HF cox; incident only 4.51 3.26 6.22 1.505 1.182 1.828 3440 33348 36788 0.103154612 9.694186047 0.0275 0.0100
#MI cox; incident only 1.34 0.93 1.95 0.296 -0.077 0.669 5691 35480 41171 0.160400225 6.234405201 0.0275 0.0100
#CVD cox; incident only 2.19 1.82 2.63 0.782 0.597 0.966 63292 188924 252216 0.335013021 2.984958605 0.0275 0.0100

pval = 0.05/5
r2 = 0.0275
# Logistic
power_CHD = pnorm(sqrt(149804*r2*(2.478313365/(1 + 2.478313365))*(1/(1 + 2.478313365)))*log(1.29) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
power_Stroke = pnorm(sqrt(119036*r2*(6.092230696/(1 + 6.092230696))*(1/(1 + 6.092230696)))*log(1.22) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
power_HF = pnorm(sqrt(36788*r2*(9.694186047/(1 + 9.694186047))*(1/(1 + 9.694186047)))*log(3.53) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
power_MI = pnorm(sqrt(41171*r2*(6.234405201/(1 + 6.234405201))*(1/(1 + 6.234405201)))*log(0.95) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
power_CVD = pnorm(sqrt(252216*r2*(2.984958605/(1 + 2.984958605))*(1/(1 + 2.984958605)))*log(1.56) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
# Cox
power_CHD_cox = pnorm(sqrt(149804*r2*(2.478313365/(1 + 2.478313365))*(1/(1 + 2.478313365)))*log(1.54) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
power_Stroke_cox = pnorm(sqrt(119036*r2*(6.092230696/(1 + 6.092230696))*(1/(1 + 6.092230696)))*log(1.09) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
power_HF_cox = pnorm(sqrt(36788*r2*(9.694186047/(1 + 9.694186047))*(1/(1 + 9.694186047)))*log(3.26) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
power_MI_cox = pnorm(sqrt(41171*r2*(6.234405201/(1 + 6.234405201))*(1/(1 + 6.234405201)))*log(0.93) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
power_CVD_cox = pnorm(sqrt(252216*r2*(2.984958605/(1 + 2.984958605))*(1/(1 + 2.984958605)))*log(1.82) - qnorm(1 - pval/2))

# Some presettings
causaleffect = seq(log(0.9), log(6.5), by = 0.001)
significance = 0.05/5 # 5 outcomes
rsquared = 0.0275 # CystC phenotypic variance explained by SNP rs911119
diseases = c("HF", "MI", "CHD", "IS", "CVD")
samplesizes = c(36788, 41171, 149804, 119036, 252216)
ratio = c(9.694186047, 6.234405201, 2.478313365, 6.092230696, 2.984958605)
#ratio = c(0.103154612, 0.160400225, 0.403500225, 0.164143489, 0.335013021) <- function(N, r2, ccratio, effect, pval, disease){
cat("Calculating power...\n")
power = pnorm(sqrt(N*r2*(ccratio/(1 + ccratio))*(1/(1 + ccratio)))*effect - qnorm(1 - pval/2))
effectsize = effect
ccratio = ccratio
rsqrd = r2
n = N
P = pval
disease = disease
output = c(disease, n, ccratio, rsqrd, P, effectsize, power)
cat("Disease........................................:", disease, "\n")
cat("Total sample size..............................:", n, "\n")
cat("Case/control ratio.............................:", ccratio, "\n")
cat("The r^2 of the variant with the biomarker......:", round(rsqrd, 3), "\n")
cat("Significance threshold.........................:", signif(P, 3), "\n")
cat("Effect size....................................:", round(effectsize, 3), "\n")
cat("Power..........................................:", round(power, 2), "\n\n")

# How to start an empty dataframe:
power.df <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 7, nrow = 0))

# Power for diseases
for (d in 1:length(diseases)) {
for (e in 1:length(causaleffect)) {
power.df.TEMP <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 7, nrow = 0))
power.df.TEMP[1,] =[d], rsquared, ratio[d], causaleffect[e], significance, diseases[d])
power.df = rbind(power.df, power.df.TEMP)

# Edit the column names
colnames(power.df) = c("Disease", "N", "Case/Control Ratio", "r^2", "P threshold", "EffectSize", "Power")

# Correct the variable types
power.df$Disease <- as.character(power.df$Disease)
power.df$N <- as.numeric(power.df$N)
power.df$`Case/Control Ratio` <- as.numeric(power.df$`Case/Control Ratio`)
power.df$`r^2` <- as.numeric(power.df$`r^2`)
power.df$`P threshold` <- as.numeric(power.df$`P threshold`)
power.df$EffectSize <- as.numeric(power.df$EffectSize)
power.df$Power <- as.numeric(power.df$Power)

power.df.80 <- power.df[ which(power.df$Power >= 0.80 & power.df$Power < 0.81), ]

# Save the data
quote = FALSE , row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t")
quote = FALSE , row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t")

### Plots for all data
pdf(paste0(Today,"_MR_CystC_Power_Binary_ratio.pdf"), width = 7, height = 7, onefile = TRUE)
# get the number of colors to plot
powercol <- c("#F59D10", "#DB003F", "#9A3480", "#2F8BC9", "#9FC228")
power.df.HF <- power.df[ which(power.df$Disease == "HF"), ]
power.df.MI <- power.df[ which(power.df$Disease == "MI"), ]
power.df.CHD <- power.df[ which(power.df$Disease == "CHD"), ]
power.df.Stroke <- power.df[ which(power.df$Disease == "IS"), ]
power.df.CVD <- power.df[ which(power.df$Disease == "CVD"), ]

# start the actual plot for the first category
plot(exp(power.df.HF$EffectSize), power.df.HF$Power, type = "l", pch = 20, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "#F59D10",
#main = "Power to detect a causal effect",
xlab = "odds ratio\nper log2 increase of cystatin C",
ylab = "power",
xlim = c(1, 1.80),
ylim = c(0,1),
axes = FALSE,
cex.axis = 1,
cex.lab = 1,
cex.main = 1,
bty = "n")

# add in the additional lines
lines(exp(power.df.MI$EffectSize), power.df.MI$Power, type = "l", pch = 20, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "#DB003F")
lines(exp(power.df.CHD$EffectSize), power.df.CHD$Power, type = "l", pch = 20, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "#9A3480")
lines(exp(power.df.Stroke$EffectSize), power.df.Stroke$Power, type = "l", pch = 20, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "#2F8BC9")
lines(exp(power.df.CVD$EffectSize), power.df.CVD$Power, type = "l", pch = 20, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "#9FC228")

# add in the axes
#axis(1, at = c(1.0, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.60), pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.75)
axis(1, at = c(1.0, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.60, 1.70, 1.80), pos = 0, cex.axis = 1)
axis(2, at = c(0, 0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80, 1.0), pos = 1, cex.axis = 1)

diseases = c("HF", "MI", "CHD", "IS", "CVD")
samplesizes = c(36788, 41171, 149804, 119036, 252216)
ratio = c(9.694186047, 6.234405201, 2.478313365, 6.092230696, 2.984958605)
#ratio = c(0.103154612, 0.160400225, 0.403500225, 0.164143489, 0.335013021)
# add in a legend
# Ratio
legend(1.50, 0.25,
legend = c("HF (36,788 - 1:9.7)", "MI (41,171 - 1:6.2)", "CHD (149,804 - 1:2.5)", "IS (119,036 - 1:6.1)", "CVD (252,216 - 1:3.0)"),
title = expression(paste("Outcome (",italic(N)," - ratio)")),
cex = 0.75,
lty = 1,
lwd = 2,
#pch = 20,
col = c(powercol),
bty = "n")
# Kappa
#legend(1.50, 0.25,
# legend = c("HF (36,788 - 0.10)", "MI (41,171 - 0.16)", "CHD (149,804 - 0.40)", "Stroke (119,036 - 0.16)", "CVD (252,216 - 0.34)"),
# title = expression(paste("Outcome (",italic(N)," - ",kappa,")")),
# cex = 0.75,
# lty = 1,
# lwd = 2,
# #pch = 20,
# col = c(powercol),
# bty = "n")

abline(h = 0.8, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "#595A5C")

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

### UtrechtSciencePark Colours Scheme
### Website to convert HEX to RGB:
### For some functions you should divide these numbers by 255.
### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### yellow #FBB820 (251,184,32) => 1 or 1.0 > INFO
### gold #F59D10 (245,157,16) => 2
### salmon #E55738 (229,87,56) => 3 or 0.05 < MAF < 0.2 or 0.4 < INFO < 0.6
### darkpink #DB003F ((219,0,63) => 4
### lightpink #E35493 (227,84,147) => 5 or 0.8 < INFO < 1.0
### pink #D5267B (213,38,123) => 6
### hardpink #CC0071 (204,0,113) => 7
### lightpurple #A8448A (168,68,138) => 8
### purple #9A3480 (154,52,128) => 9
### lavendel #8D5B9A (141,91,154) => 10
### bluepurple #705296 (112,82,150) => 11
### purpleblue #686AA9 (104,106,169) => 12
### lightpurpleblue #6173AD (97,115,173) => 13
### seablue #4C81BF (76,129,191) => 14
### skyblue #2F8BC9 (47,139,201) => 15
### azurblue #1290D9 (18,144,217) => 16 or 0.01 < MAF < 0.05 or 0.2 < INFO < 0.4
### lightazurblue #1396D8 (19,150,216) => 17
### greenblue #15A6C1 (21,166,193) => 18
### seaweedgreen #5EB17F (94,177,127) => 19
### yellowgreen #86B833 (134,184,51) => 20
### lightmossgreen #C5D220 (197,210,32) => 21
### mossgreen #9FC228 (159,194,40) => 22 or MAF > 0.20 or 0.6 < INFO < 0.8
### lightgreen #78B113 (120,177,19) => 23/X
### green #49A01D (73,160,29) => 24/Y
### grey #595A5C (89,90,92) => 25/XY or MAF < 0.01 or 0.0 < INFO < 0.2
### lightgrey #A2A3A4 (162,163,164) => 26/MT
### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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