Android App demonstrating the usage of Google Speech to Text API
• Converts Speech to Text using the Google Speech to Text API.
• Stop listening | Start listening modes are controlled with a custom animated Mic button
• Pressing Mic starts listening, Pressing Mic again deactivates it.
• Automatically detect user Locale and set it as the default language code for accurate English voice recognition
• Allows user to speak with a Word limit of upto 10 words.
• Displays the spoken text in a Custom autocomplete search box
• Allow user to edit the spoken text
• Auto detects compeletion and starts searching after 3 seconds of silence.
• Stores search query into SQLite database for future reference
• Displays a list of suggestions from the Database using the TRIE DataStructure based on previous search queries
• Displays 5 recent search queries using an ArrayList by storing it in SharedPreferences
• The voice commmand "your query" SEARCH activates search.
• The voice commmand "your query" STOP erases the search text and disables the voice listener.
• User can set the prefered language code as per their english accent for better recognition from the settings.
• User can enable and disable the voice commands like SEARCH and STOP from the settings.
• Detect speaker with the help of microsoft Speaker recognition API for enabling voice based login and logout.
• Cache the search results for offline access, fetching the previous results from database wihout rerequesting the data
• Implement more search commands on successive feature addition.
• Open app on voice command by running a background service like the Google Assistant.
• In order to try out this sample, visit the Cloud Console, and navigate to: API Manager > Credentials > Create credentials > Service account key > New service account.
• Create a new service account, and download the JSON credentials file.
• Put the file in the app resources as app/src/main/res/raw/credential.json.
• Open this example in Android studio and run the app.