Tool to analyze and remediate Microsoft 365 according to current security best practices.
- Requires PowerShell Core 6.0 or higher
The module is published on the PowerShellGallery. You can install this module directly from the PowerShellGallery with the following command
Install-Module -Name AzureAdDeployer -Scope CurrentUser -Force
You need to recreate the Desktop icon after every update
Invoke-AzureAdDeployer -InstallDesktopIcon
Update-Module -Name AzureAdDeployer -Force
Uninstall-Module -Name AzureAdDeployer -Scope CurrentUser
Alias: aaddepl
aaddepl -AddExchangeOnlineReport
aaddepl -CreateBreakGlassAccount
aaddepl -DisableSecurityDefaults
- Generates a HTML report to your desktop called
- Interactive console interface
- Create Desktop icon (Windows only)
- Automatic update check
- User settings
- Enterprise Application user consent: show, disable
- Allowed to create apps: show, disable
- Allowed to create secutity groups: show, disable
- Allowed to create unified groups (Microsoft 365 groups): show, disable, create group
- Allowed to read other users: show, disable
- Allowed to create tenants: show
- BlockMsolPowerShell: show, enable
- Device join settings: show
- Licenses: show
- Admin role assignments: show
- User mfa status: show
- Guest accounts: show
- BreakGlass account: show, create
- Security sefaults: show, enable, disable
- Conditional access policies: show, list locations
- App protection policies: show
- Tenant settings:
- Legacy authentication protocols enabled: show
- Add to OneDrive button: show, disable
- Conditional access policy: show
- Sharing capability: show
- Prevent external users from resharing: show
- Default sharing link type: show
- Domains: show, check DKIM/DMARC/SPF
- Mail connector: show
- User mailbox: show, set language
- Shared mailbox: show, set language, disable login, enable copy to sent
- Unified mailbox: show, hide from client
Argument | Description |
-AddAzureADReport |
Add a report section for Azure Active Directory |
-CreateBreakGlassAccount |
Create a BreakGlass Account if no one is found |
-EnableSecurityDefaults |
Enable security defaults |
-DisableSecurityDefaults |
Disable security defaults |
-DisableEnterpiseApplicationUserConsent |
Disable enterprise application user consent |
-DisableUsersToCreateAppRegistrations |
Disable users to create app registrations |
-DisableUsersToReadOtherUsers |
Disable users to read other users |
-DisableUsersToCreateSecurityGroups |
Disable users to create security groups |
-DisableUsersToCreateUnifiedGroups |
Disable users to create unified groups |
-CreateUnifiedGroupCreationAllowedGroup |
Create UnifiedGroupCreationAllowed group |
-EnableBlockMsolPowerShell |
Disable legacy MsolPowerShell access |
Argument | Description |
-DisableAddToOneDrive |
Disable add to OneDrive |
Argument | Description |
-AddExchangeOnlineReport |
Add a report section for Exchange Online |
-SetMailboxLanguage |
Set mailbox language and location |
-DisableSharedMailboxLogin |
Disable direct login to shared mailbox |
-EnableSharedMailboxCopyToSent |
Enable shared mailbox copy to sent e-mails |
-HideUnifiedMailboxFromOutlookClient |
Hide unified mailbox from outlook client |
Argument | Description |
-Help |
Display link to the arguments documentation |
-Version |
Display the version of AzureAdDeployer |
-SkipUpdateCheck |
Skip the automatic update check to run the outdated version |
-InstallDesktopIcon |
Create Desktop icon (Windows only) |
-UseExistingGraphSession |
Do not create a new Graph SDK PowerShell session |
-UseExistingSpoSession |
Do not create a new SharePoint Online PowerShell session |
-UseExistingExoSession |
Do not create a new Exchange Online PowerShell session |
-KeepGraphSessionAlive |
Do not disconnect the Graph SDK PowerShell session after execution |
-KeepSpoSessionAlive |
Do not disconnect the SharePoint Online session after execution |
-KeepExoSessionAlive |
Do not disconnect the Exchange Online PowerShell session after execution |
Checkout the AzureAdDeployer project board
Import-Module .\AzureAdDeployer.psm1 -Force
- Functions inspired by:
- Functions inspired by:
- Functions inspired by: