A Meme sharing platform, in which you can share memes by providing meme url and captions along with your name.
##Deployment : X M E M E
Frontend is hosted on Firebase : https://xmeme-frontend-f18dd.web.app
Backend is hosted on Heroku : https://xmeme-server3.herokuapp.com/
##Tech Stack used
MERN Stack
MonogoDb Atlas as our Database for deployed version.
Express and node js for backend.
React js and vanilla CSS for our frontend.
Root folder contains two folders client and server.
It contains all the front end code.
In the src directory we have the root component index.js which renders App.js which in turn renders two components Header.js and PostAndMemes.js.
Header.js is present in /src/components along with Header.css.
In the src directory there is a parent componenet PostAndMemes.js which in turn renders two components PostForm.js and MemeCards.js.
PostForm.js and MemeCards.js are present in /src/componenrs along with PostForm.css and MemeCard.css.
We have models which contains the data base models in this case dbCards.js which contains our dataBase schema.
We have index.js which is express server for setting up api endpoints.
###Dependencies : ####Frontend :
####Backend : Express