Android password manager based on Revelation Password Manager file format.
Hello! This project is android implementation of Revelation password manager. Right now it is in it's prototype life stage. I find it very easy to use this password manager with Dropbox or another sync software and I find it very hard to use it without android application. This is the main reason of this app development. If you have any questions/suggestions please mail me to
###Ubuntu Linux
####Install JDK
apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
####Download and extract android SDK Go to You don't need to download ADT Bundle, just sdk. For example "android-sdk_r22.2.1-linux.tgz". After that you need to extract file by using tar:
tar -xzvf android-sdk_r22.2.1-linux.tgz
It will extract content of the archive to the current directory.
####Update your sdk
cd android-sdk-linux/tools
./android update sdk --no-ui
Check "Android SDK Build-tools" (18.0.1) and click "Install"
####Install Gradle
add-apt-repository ppa:cwchien/gradle
apt-get update
apt-get install gradle
####Install git
apt-get install git
####Clone aRevelation project
git clone
####Install ia-32-libs(x86_64 OS)
sudo apt-get install ia-32-libs
####Go to project directory and run build
cd aRevelation
export ANDROID_HOME="path/to/android-sdk-linux"
gradle build
You can find .apk files in aRevelation/build/apk