A simple Ruby CLI based paylater service
There are various use cases this service is intended to fulfil -
allow merchants to be onboarded with the amount of discounts they offer
allow merchants to change the discount they offer
allow users to be onboarded (name, email-id and credit-limit)
allow a user to carry out a transaction of some amount with a merchant.
allow a user to pay back their dues (full or partial)
- how much discount we received from a merchant till date
- dues for a user so far
- which users have reached their credit limit
- total dues from all users together
new merchant m1 2% # name, discount-percentage
new txn u1 m1 400 # user, merchant, txn-amount
update merchant m1 1% # merchant, new-discount-rate
payback u1 300 # user, payback-amount
report discount m1
report dues u1
report users-at-credit-limit
report total-dues