This is a simple Unity physics events emitter for Leopotam ECS Lite framework. No more need to create MonoBehaviour scripts for physics events handling - just follow a few simple steps to do it with this tool.
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is a MonoBehaviour
script that contains a specific Unity physics event method.
You need to attach a concrete Checker
to any GameObject
that emits any Unity physics events.
- responsible forOnTriggerEnter
- responsible forOnTriggerStay
- responsible forOnTriggerExit
- responsible forOnCollisionEnter
- responsible forOnCollisionStay
- responsible forOnCollisionExit
- responsible forOnControllerColliderHit
(only forCharacter Controller
objects) event
All 2D checkers work in the same way.
When Unity Physics event is raised, the EcsPhysicsEvents
static class creates a new entity-event with a specific component like OnCollisionEnterEvent
or OnTriggerStayEvent
The event component has various amount on fields based on the event.
public GameObject senderGameObject;
public Collider collider;
public ContactPoint firstContactPoint;
public Vector3 relativeVelocity;
Note: The contact point is in world-space and not available in
public GameObject senderGameObject;
public Collider collider;
public GameObject senderGameObject;
public Collider collider;
public Vector3 hitNormal;
public Vector3 moveDirection;
All 2D events work in the same way.
But before diving into handling all of this stuff, you need to initialize the EcsPhysicsEvents
in your Startup
script like this:
sealed class EcsStartup : MonoBehaviour
private EcsWorld ecsWorld;
private EcsSystems ecsSystems;
private void Start()
ecsWorld = new EcsWorld ();
ecsSystems = new EcsSystems (ecsWorld);
// initialization of emitter.
EcsPhysicsEvents.ecsWorld = ecsWorld;
// your systems
.Add(new TestSystem())
private void FixedUpdate()
ecsSystems?.Run ();
private void OnDestroy()
if (ecsSystems != null)
// don't forget to get rid of this reference.
EcsPhysicsEvents.ecsWorld = null;
ecsSystems = null;
ecsWorld = null;
You can get data of event in your systems:
public class TestSystem : IEcsRunSystem
public void Run(EcsSystems ecsSystems)
var filter = ecsSystems.GetWorld().Filter<OnCollisionEnterEvent>().End();
var pool = ecsSystems.GetWorld().GetPool<OnCollisionEnterEvent>();
foreach (var entity in filter)
ref var eventData = ref pool.Get(entity);
You can DelHere
some events if you want or you can use DelHerePhysics()
for DelHere
'ing all events:
private void Start()
ecsWorld = new EcsWorld ();
ecsSystems = new EcsSystems (ecsWorld);
// initialization of emitter.
EcsPhysicsEventsEmitter.ecsWorld = ecsWorld;
// your systems
.Add(new TestSystem())
// delhere all unity physics events.
Keep in mind that one of your GameObjects
must have kinematic Rigidbody
component attached.
By the way, for OnTrigger
and OnControllerColliderHit
events the CharacterController
component is fine.
This cannot be fixed as events raised by Unity Physics engine, so you need to think how to fix it on your side.
You can try to create some kind of timer that is started when the event is raised and ignore events while the timer is running.