My name is Supakun Thata , I'm Fullstack Developer
in the world 🌍. I enjoy programming most when I can solve problems and I love learning new things so I can improve my knowledge and create great work.
- 🖥️ See my portfolio at @Myport
- ✉️ You can contact me at
Project Name | Description | Link |
🛒 E-commerce | A fully functional shopping app with cart & payment gateway using React & Node.js. | Repository |
🍔 Restaurant | A fully functional food app with cart & auth system using NextJS & Node.js. | Repository |
📊 Dashboard | Display information and manage products and users using NextJS & Node.js. | Repository |
🤖 AI Chatbot | An intelligent conversational AI Chat system using NextJS & Tailwind. | Repository |
📚 Bookstore | Crafted an immersive bookstore website, using Typescript & NextJS. | Repository |
🚗 Tesla Clone | Crafted an immersive Tesla clone, UI similar to original using React & Bootstrap. | Repository |
📕 Pokedex App | An application uses data from PokeAPI for display using Typescript & NextJS. | Repository |
💸 Crypto Tracker | An application uses data from CoinGecko API for display using Typescript & NextJS. | Repository |
🖥️ Portfolio Website | My personal portfolio showcasing skills & projects using React & Node.js. | Repository |
Project Name | Description | Link |
🛰 GNSS RTK | Analyzing satellite data for Autonomous Vehicle using Python & Pandas. | Repository |
🛒 Global Book Sales | Deploying ETL pipeline on GCP, analyzing on BigQuery, dashboard on Looker Studio. | Repository |