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A package to make custom routes easier in Remix.


npm install remix-custom-routes

Route Extensions Convention

You can choose the Remix Route Extension convention to get the following behaviour.

  • Instead of a /routes directory, routes can be defined in any directory (within /app but not at the top level).
  • Any file with the extension .route.tsx, .route.ts, .route.jsx, or .route.js will be treated as a route.
  • All other files are ignored, so you can safely put non-route files next to your routes. Components, hooks, images, etc.
  • URLs are determined by the filename, just like Remix's v2 route convention.
  • Folders do not participate in routing, so you can organize your routes however you want. As long as the file has .route in the name, Remix will find it and turn it into a route.
const { routeExtensions, flatRoutes } = require("remix-custom-routes")

module.exports = {
  ignoredRouteFiles: ["routes/**.*"], // ignore the default route files
  async routes() {
    const appDirectory = path.join(__dirname, "app")

    return routeExtensions(appDirectory)
    // or flatRoutes(appDirectory)

Flat Route Convention

You can choose the Flat Route convention to get the following behaviour, based on Kiliman's remix-flat-routes package.

  • Routes are defined in a /routes directory.
  • URLs are determined by the filename, just like Remix's v2 route convention.
  • A folder ending in + will have its path prefixed to all child routes. This allows you to avoid repeating the same prefix for all routes in a folder.
const { flatRoutes } = require("remix-custom-routes")

module.exports = {
  ignoredRouteFiles: ["routes/**.*"], // ignore the default route files
  async routes() {
    const appDirectory = path.join(__dirname, "app")

    return flatRoutes(appDirectory)

Custom Routes

This package exposes two functions, getRouteIds and getRouteManifest, that make it easier to create custom routes in Remix.

The flat route convention defined above is identical to the following code.

const glob = require("glob")
const {
} = require("remix-custom-routes")

module.exports = {
  async routes() {
    const appDirectory = path.join(__dirname, "app")

    // array of paths to files
    const files = glob.sync("routes/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,md,mdx}", {
      cwd: appDirectory,

    // array of tuples [routeId, filePath]
    const routeIds = getRouteIds(files, {
      indexNames: ["index", "route", "_index", "_route"],

    // Remix manifest object
    return getRouteManifest(routeIds)

Use any tool you want, such as glob, to get a list of files that should be turned into routes. If you have a custom convention, you are free to manipulate the list of files however you want. before passing it to getRouteIds.

interface GetRouteIdsOptions {
  prefix?: string // removed from the start of the route
  suffix?: string // removed from the end of the route
  indexNames?: string[] // names of files that should be treated as index files

function getRouteIds(
  routes: string[],
  options: GetRouteIdsOptions,
): [string, string][]

getRouteIds takes an array of file paths and returns an array of tuples. Each tuple contains the route ID and its corresponding file path.

This is the format that getRouteManifest expects.

interface RouteManifest {
  [key: string]: Route

function getRouteManifest(sortedRouteIds: [string, string][]): RouteManifest

getRouteManifest reads the route IDs and links each route to its parent and children while ensuring there are no conflicts. It returns a Remix manifest object that can be passed to Remix's routes() function.


A package to make custom routes easier in Remix







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