Project Page | Paper | Dataset
This repository contains the implementation of our ECCV 2024 paper "MetaCap: Meta-learning Priors from Multi-View Imagery for Sparse-view Human Performance Capture and Rendering". You can visit project page for more illustrations.
If GCC<11.0:
- Create conda environment
conda create --name metacap python=3.8
- Install cuda11.6:
conda install cudatoolkit=11.6 cudnn -c conda-forge
, thenconda install cudatoolkit-dev=11.6 -c conda-forge
- Install PyTorch==1.13.1+cu116:
pip install torch==1.13.1+cu116 torchvision==0.14.1 --extra-index-url
- Install tiny-cuda-nn PyTorch extension:
pip install git+
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install pytorch3d:
pip install --no-cache-dir pytorch3d==0.7.2 -f
- Install kaolin:
pip install kaolin==0.13.0 -f
- Install nerfacc:
pip install nerfacc==0.3.3 -f
- Install point inside-outside check module:
cd ./tools/extensions/libmesh python build_ext --inplace cd ../../..
If GCC>=11.0:
- Create conda environment
conda create --name metacap python=3.9
- Install cuda11.8:
conda install cudatoolkit=11.8 cudnn -c conda-forge
doesn't exist yet. - Install PyTorch==2.0.0+cu118:
pip install torch==2.0.0 torchvision==0.15.1 torchaudio==2.0.1 --index-url --no-cache-dir
- Install tiny-cuda-nn 1.7 PyTorch extension from source:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install pytorch3d:
pip install --no-cache-dir pytorch3d==0.7.3 -f
- Install kaolin:
pip install kaolin==0.14.0 -f
- Install nerfacc 0.3.3 from source:
- Install point inside-outside check module:
cd ./tools/extensions/libmesh python build_ext --inplace cd ../../..
Prepare Data
# Step 1: Download demo data from and place them in ./datas
# datas
# βββ ddc_configs (exists there)
# βββ vis (exists there)
# βββ (exists there)
# βββ (exists there)
# βββ color_proxy_s2
# βββ rotate_dir
# βββ demo
# Step 2: Download SMPL from: and place the model in ./datas/SMPLX/smpl/
# datas
# βββ SMPLX/smpl/
# βββ SMPL_FEMALE.pkl
# βββ SMPL_MALE.pkl
# βββ SMPL_NEUTRAL.pkl
# Step 3: Download WildDynaCap and DynaCap from: to /XX/XX/WildDynaCap_official(where to save dataset)
# Edit the script "./data/", base_dir = /XX/XX/WildDynaCap_official
# Run the following scripts to generate training datas and testing datas:
cd ./datas
python ./ -subi 2 -ct tight -st training
python ./ -subi 2 -ct tight -st training -cs
python ./ -subi 2 -ct tight -st testing
python ./ -subi 2 -ct tight -st testing -cs
python ./ -subi 2 -ct tight -st inTheWild
python ./ -subi 2 -ct tight -st inTheWild -cs
ln -s /XX/XX/WildDynaCap_official/Subject0002 ./Subject0002
# change the subj idx and ct to process other subjects
cd ..
- Edit configs/base.yaml root_dir for where you put this repository.
- Edit exp_dir and runs_dir for where to save experiment results and logs.
- Link result and log folders to under the repository folder.
ln -s /XXX/XXX/results/metacap/exp ./exp
, andln -s /XXX/XXX/results/metacap/runs ./runs
Config Flag Meaning
dataset.cano_motion: template or cano, the motion of canonical pose.
dataset.deformer: ddc or smpl, the human template used in experiments.
dataset.rotate: True or False, spherial rendering or specific view rendering during testing phase.
dataset.smoothDQ: True or False, smooth the DQ format transformations or not.
dataset.preload: True or False, preload images, masks or not during the meta-learning phase.
model.grid_pre: True or False, pre-compute grid density or not.
model.decay_step: The iteration step to decay threshold_outer during training phase.
export.save_mesh: True or False, saveing mesh or not during testing or evaluation phase.
Demo in the Dome
# Run finetuning on sparse dome images and visualize them through spherical rendering.
python --config configs/s2/finetuning/neus-domedenseraw-ddc-s2-smooth2-test-finetune2-new2-meta-demo.yaml --gpu 0 --train \
--ckpt ./datas/demo/Subject0002/tight/ckpt/epoch=0-step=2000.ckpt \
dataset.frame=1000 tag=Debug_Cano_Meta_DDC_Rotate dataset.cano_motion=template \
trainer.val_check_interval=4000 dataset.threshold_outer=0.05 model.decay_step=5000 dataset.rotate=True
Demo in the Wild
# Run finetuning on sparse itw images and visualize them through spherical rendering.
python --config configs/s2/finetuning/neus-domedenseraw-ddc-s2-smooth2-itw-finetune2-new2-meta-demo.yaml --gpu 0 --train \
--ckpt ./datas/demo/Subject0002/tight/ckpt/epoch=0-step=2000.ckpt \
dataset.frame=3300 tag=Debug_Cano_Meta_DDC_Rotate dataset.cano_motion=template \
trainer.val_check_interval=4000 dataset.threshold_outer=0.05 model.decay_step=5000 dataset.rotate=True
Meta-learning Prior
# Meta-learning with DDC
python --config configs/s2/metalearning/metaneusseq-domedenserawseq_meta-ddc-s2-smooth2-24-more-newthreshold0-100Frame-100Camera.yaml --gpu 0 --train \
tag=Test_Down2.0_Blur_100Frame_100Camera_DDC dataset.img_downscale=2.0 dataset.blur=True dataset.preload=True
# Meta-learning with SMPL
python --config configs/s2/metalearning/metaneusseq-domedenserawseq_meta-ddc-s2-smooth2-24-more-newthreshold0-100Frame-100Camera.yaml --gpu 0 --train \
tag=Test_Down2.0_Blur_100Frame_100Camera_SMPL dataset.img_downscale=2.0 dataset.blur=True dataset.preload=True dataset.deformer=smpl dataset.threshold_outer=0.075
Fine-tuning on Sparse-view Images
# Run finetuning and visualize them through spherical rendering.
python --config configs/s2/finetuning/neus-domedenseraw-ddc-s2-smooth2-test-finetune2-new2-meta.yaml --gpu 0 --train \
--ckpt ./exp/Subject0002/metaneusseq-domedenseseq_meta-Subject0002/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ckpt/epoch=0-step=2000.ckpt \
dataset.frame=3000 tag=Cano_Meta_DDC_Rotate dataset.cano_motion=template \
trainer.val_check_interval=4000 dataset.threshold_outer=0.05 model.decay_step=5000 dataset.rotate=True
# Run finetuning and run test code for given camera parameters.
python --config configs/s2/finetuning/neus-domedenseraw-ddc-s2-smooth2-test-finetune2-new2-meta.yaml --gpu 0 --train \
--ckpt ./exp/Subject0002/metaneusseq-domedenseseq_meta-Subject0002/xxxxxxxxxxxx/ckpt/epoch=0-step=2000.ckpt \
dataset.frame=3000 tag=Cano_Meta_DDC dataset.cano_motion=template \
trainer.val_check_interval=4000 dataset.threshold_outer=0.05 model.decay_step=5000 dataset.rotate=False
# Fine-tuning with SMPL
python --config configs/s2/finetuning/neus-domedenseraw-ddc-s2-smooth2-test-finetune2-new2-meta.yaml --gpu 0 --train \
--ckpt ./exp/Subject0002/metaneusseq-domedenseseq_meta-Subject0002/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-SMPL/ckpt/epoch=0-step=2000.ckpt \
dataset.frame=3000 tag=Cano_Meta_SMPL dataset.cano_motion=template dataset.deformer=smpl \
trainer.val_check_interval=4000 dataset.threshold_outer=0.075 model.decay_step=5000 dataset.rotate=True
Fine-tuning on Monocular Image with Occlusion Handling
python --config configs/s2/finetuning/neus-domedenseraw-ddc-s2-smooth2-test-finetune2-new2-meta-one-oh.yaml --gpu 0 --train \
--ckpt ./exp/Subject0002/metaneusseq-domedenseseq_meta-Subject0002/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ckpt/epoch=0-step=2000.ckpt \
dataset.frame=5200 tag=Cano_Meta_DDC_One_OH dataset.cano_motion=template dataset.deformer=ddc trainer.val_check_interval=4000 \
dataset.threshold_ddc=0.05 model.decay_step=5000 checkpoint.every_n_train_steps=5000 dataset.rotate=True model.grid_pre=False dataset.compute_occlusion=True
Training on Dense-view Images for Ground-truth Geometry (Random Initialization)
python --config configs/s2/groundtruth/neus-domedenseraw-ddc-s2-smooth2-test-gt.yaml --gpu 0 --train \
dataset.frame=3000 tag=World_GT dataset.cano_motion=world trainer.val_check_interval=4000 \
dataset.threshold_outer=0.1 dataset.threshold_ddc=0.1 model.decay_step=5000 dataset.smoothDQ=False
Fine-tuning FPS Evaluation (Testing on NVIDIA RTX 3090, >20FPS)
# We found the first time run will be a bit slower, run multiple times to get the stable speed.
python --config configs/s2/finetuning/neus-domedenseraw-ddc-s2-smooth2-test-finetune2-new2-meta.yaml --gpu 0 --train --notest \
--ckpt ././exp2/metaneusseq-domedenseseq-Subject0002/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ckpt/epoch=0-step=2000.ckpt\
dataset.frame=5200 tag=Debug_Time dataset.cano_motion=template dataset.deformer=ddc trainer.val_check_interval=4000 \
dataset.threshold_ddc=0.05 model.decay_step=5000 checkpoint.every_n_train_steps=5000 dataset.rotate=False model.grid_pre=True export.save_mesh=False
Interpolation on Two Fine-tuned Frames and Rendering in Canonical Space
python --config configs/s2/interpolation/neusinterpolation-domedenseraw-ddc-s2-smooth2-test.yaml --gpu 0 --test \
--ckpt1 ./exp/Subject0002/XXXXXX/ckpt/epoch=0-step=3000.ckpt \
--ckpt2 ./exp/Subject0002/XXXXXX/ckpt/epoch=0-step=3000.ckpt \
dataset.frame=XXXXX tag=Debug_Interpolation dataset.rotate=True \
dataset.rotate_template=True dataset.rotate_scale=0.0 export.save_mesh=False
Evaluation scripts
cd ./evaluations
# prepare GT results and MetaCap results
python ./
python ./
python ./
python ./
# evaluate rendering and geometry results
python ./
python ./
# summarize the final results
python ./
# Configs
- config files for meta-learning, fine-tuning, ground truth generation and interpolation experiments.
# Datas
- render depth maps for s5 if needed it during the prior training.
- extract cropped images, masks and camera parameters from raw videos.
- color_proxy_s2: pre-computed proxy images for the occlusion handling strategy.
- ddc_configs: configs files for the DDC template and
- SMPLX: datas for the SMPL template.
- rotate_dir: some placeholders for the spherical rendering. To be removed in the future version.
# Datasets
- fine-tuning or ground-truth fitting or weight interpolation inference on single frame.
- meta-learning on multiple frames.
- information of meta-learning views and frames, testing views and frames. Note that the motion and images of training split and testing split are not overlapped.
# Evaluations
- moving results to a new folder for evaluation.
- evaluating mesh and image metrics.
- summarize the evaluation results.
# Models
- basic models for radiance fileds learning and feature embedding.
# Systems
- basic systems for model training, testing, and evaluation.
# Tools
- skeleton, skinned character and embedded graph used in DDC template.
- tools for skeleton, mesh, ground and axis visualization.
- functions for camera parameters loading.
- functions for geometry and image evaluation.
- utils for resizing, file creating, file copying...
- utils for mesh loading, mesh saving and point2mesh prjections...
Some great prior works and codes we benefit from: instant-nsr-pl, NerfAcc, PyTorch3D, Kaolin, GRAB, InstantAvatar, EasyMocap, DDC.
Both the source code and our data are under the terms of the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. This project is only for research or education purposes, and not freely available for commercial use or redistribution.
If you find the codes or datasets from this repository helpful in your projects, welcome to cite the papers and give a star.
title = {MetaCap: Meta-learning Priors from Multi-View Imagery for Sparse-view Human Performance Capture and Rendering},
author = {Sun, Guoxing and Dabral, Rishabh and Fua, Pascal and Theobalt, Christian and Habermann, Marc},
year = {2024},
author = {Marc Habermann and Lingjie Liu and Weipeng Xu and Michael Zollhoefer and Gerard Pons-Moll and Christian Theobalt},
title = {Real-time Deep Dynamic Characters},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
month = {aug},
volume = {40},
number = {4},
articleno = {94},
year = {2021},
publisher = {ACM}