This is excel slim library to read excel sheet as Java POJO(Plain Old Java Object).
- Create a Excel sheet let say Employee with fields
Name and DOB.
Name | DOB |
Employee_1 | 25-05-1989 |
Employee_2 | 15-02-1980 |
Employee_3 | 02-05-2000 |
- Create a simple java class with exactly same name of your sheet in our case Employee
public class Employee {
String Name, DOB;
public String getName() {
return Name;
public void setName(String name) {
Name = name;
public String getDOB() {
return DOB;
public void setDOB(String DOB) {
this.DOB = DOB;
public String toString() {
return "Employee{" +
"Name='" + Name + '\'' +
", DOB='" + DOB + '\'' +
If you dont want to use getter setter you can use project lombok dependency to reduce your getter setter and toString code.
Aftre addition of library write your java POJO(Plain Old Java Object) just use annotation @Data thats it. You are ready to use
public class Employee {
String Name, DOB;
- Create another java class with to test our Employee class is working or not
public class EmployeeModelTest {
public void employeeTest(){
Exl exl = new Exl();
String path = "src/test/resources/TestData.xlsx";
List<Employee> employees =, path);
for (Employee employee : employees) {
Default date time format is dd-MM-yyyy
Exl exl = new Exl();
Recordset recordset =exl.getRecords("Employee");
List<Recordset.Record> records = recordset.getRecords();
for(Recordset.Record record:records){
mvn clean package