View .md
file in any markdown viewer or plain text editor.
The following is for anyone who wants it in a different form.
Working PDF generated with pandoc
. Note that the template is included solely because the mainmatter
command has to be removed for it to not add a blank page after the the title page.
pandoc --pdf-engine lualatex --template=template.tex -H styles.tex -o harbingers.pdf
To add cover (doesn't put it on first page unfortunately), include --include-before-body cover.tex
Lulu requires covers in PDF. But for some reason it was finnicky about the file size, even though the png source was exactly correct. Oh well, i solved it using:
img2pdf cover_full_6x9.png -o cover_full_6x9.pdf --imgsize 915.4x666 --pagesize 915.4x666
This creates a PDF file with embedded PNG, no file conversion or loss.
pandoc -s --toc -H styles.css -o harbingers.html
This produces a pretty sweet and clean HTML document, with table of contents and included styles.
One thing to do by hand. For the licencing page, remove the {curly brackets} and wrap it in <small>
pandoc -o harbingers.epub