A simple wrapper over htmlparser2 that allows to parse and filter out HTML strings from untrusted sources.
It supports whitelist and blacklist approaches. I recommend whitelist approach for html coming from the scary internet because when building a blacklist we tend to forget to include every dangerous tag.
Also, whitelist options are far richer allowing tagName swap, attribute whitelisting, attribute value modification and adding default attributes
- CommonJS
const createParser = require('@subparry/selective-html-parser')
- ES6 imports
import createParser from '@subparry/selective-html-parser'
- Whitelist approach
const parser = createParser({
whitelistTags: {
h1: true, // Allow all h1 tags
br: {skipClosing: true}, // Allow all br tags but skip closing tag
// Allow anchor tags but with the following modifications
a: {
attributes: {}, // No attributes allowed
tagName: "h1", // swap the a tag with a h1 tag
// Allow script tags but...
script: {
attributes: {}, // No attributes allowed
tagName: "del", // Swap the script tag with a del tag (strikethrough)
// Allow img tags with...
img: {
attributes: {
src: true, // Allow original src attribute
width: "100px", // Add a width attribute of 100px
// Add an alt attribute based on another attribute present on the original html
alt: (originalAttrs) => {
if (originalAttrs.src.includes("cat")) {
return "Picture of a pretty cat";
} else {
return "Some image...";
parser.parse("Hi everyone! <br>This is a test html <strong>bold text!</strong> <a href='www.google.com'>link to google </a><script>var a = 1 + 2</script> <img src='http://somesource.com/catimg.png' />")
// returns "Hi everyone! <br ></br>This is a test html bold text! <h1 >link to google </h1><del >var a = 1 + 2</del> <img src="http://somesource.com/catimg.png" width="100px" alt="Picture of a pretty cat"></img>
- Blacklist approach
const parser = createParser({
blacklistTags: ["script", "img", "a"],
parser.parse("Hi everyone! <br>This is a test html <strong>bold text!</strong> <a href='www.google.com'>link to google </a><script>var a = 1 + 2</script> <img src='http://somesource.com/catimg.png' />")
// returns "Hi everyone! <br ></br>This is a test html <strong >bold text!</strong> link to google var a = 1 + 2