Kafka-connect-utilities directory contains all the necessary libary and configuration for Sink the incoming data to MongoDB. Refer the README file for configuration set up
Simulator directory contains two Python based Mqtt Client which keep sending data to the broker at every 5 seconds intervals. These two client will publish data on their respective topic
docker-compose.yml contains mongodb and mongo client
In this datapipeline application, Apache Kafka has been used. We need to start the Kafka Broker and Kafka-connect. Before starting the kafka connect, set up the configurations mentioned in Kafak-connect-utilities
Services directory contains the Springboot based Java application - datapipeline, consumes data published by different client on their topic, perform the data transformations. It transform the data into common data model and then published to the Kafka Broker on a topic. Kafka-connect Mongodb Sink Connect will consume data from that topic and push to MongoDB.
System Architecture