For more details about the package or to cite, please visit
Characterization of small RNA pathways
You can find the full documentation and examples .
In order to install MiSiPi.RNA, you must first install devtools and BiocManager:
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
In order for this package to work, you must also have RNAfold from the ViennaRNA package installed. You will need the path to the RNAfold executable. See for installation.
For converting the .ps output files from the miRNA module to .png, install ImageMagick and ghostscript, then run
ps2png(path_to_magick_exe, file_dir)
where path_to_magick_exe is the full path to the binary executable and file_dir is the folder containing the .ps files. This will also be the output folder.
The input for any of MiSiPi.RNA's main functions is an object created by theset_vars() function. Running set_vars will always be the first step in using this package. Below is a description of each of the parameters that will be passed to set_vars(). These should be changed based on your needs.
- roi - A bed file listing your regions of interest
- bam_file - A BAM file of aligned reads. Index file must also be present
- genome - A genome fasta file. Chromosome names must match the bed file
- min_read_count - This filters out loci with low mapping reads. Defaults to 1
- plot_output - (TRUE or FALSE) If TRUE, MiSiPi.RNA will output plots as pdfs
- path_to_RNAfold - Full path to RNAfold executable
- path_to_RNAplot - Full path to RNAplot executable
- pi_pal - Palette option for the generated piRNA heatmap (see below)
- si_pal - Palette option for the generated siRNA heatmap (see below)
- annotate_region - (TRUE or FALSE) Plots annotated gene features below the hairpin arc plot which is useful for characterizing cisNAT loci
- weight_reads - Determines if read counts will be weighted. ("Top", "locus_norm", or "None")
- gtf_file - Full path to a 9 column GTF file. Required only if annotate_region is TRUE
- write_fastas - (TRUE or FALSE) If TRUE, MiSiPi.RNA will write read pairs from functions to a file. Default is FALSE
- out_type - ("pdf" or "png") Specifies the output type. Default is "pdf"
vars <- set_vars(roi = "path/to/bed",
bam_file = "path/to/bam",
genome = "path/to/genome",
min_read_count = 1,
plot_output = TRUE,
path_to_RNAfold = "path/to/ViennaRNA/RNAfold.exe",
path_to_RNAplot = "path/to/ViennaRNA/RNAplot.exe",
pi_pal = "BlYel",
si_pal = "RdYlBl",
annotate_region = TRUE,
weight_reads = "None",
gtf_file = "path/to/gtf",
write_fastas = FALSE,
out_type = "pdf")
Palette options are:
- "RdYlBl"
- "BlYel"
- "yelOrRed"
- "MagYel"
- "Greens"
Provide the vars object to the function of your choice and all lines contained in BED file will be run:
This outputs a table with metrics and statistics which can be used for summarization or machine learning. See the documentation for more details regarding values in table.
# ml_plots is for users who have already run machine learning
make_html_summary("full/path/to/run_all/", type = (one of "siRNA", "piRNA" or "miRNA"), ml_plots = FALSE)
See full documentation for more details.
#give the path to the directory that contains the folder and the name of the table
ml_probability("full/path/to/table/directory/", "table_ml.txt")