Angular Date masked input directive for now just for numbers. It can handle string prefixes and suffixes;
- Import NgxMaskedInputModule to your project.
import { NgxMaskedInputModule } from '@stumpam/ngx-masked-input';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule, NgxMaskedInputModule, ReactiveFormsModule],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}
- Use in HTML template
<input ngxMaskedInput [formControl]="ctrl" [options]="options">
- Set up in parent component
// Except type are all fields optional
options: MaskedInputOptions = {
// For now just for numeric inputs!
type: 'numeric';
// Prefix string
prefix: string;
// Whether it will place a space between prefix and number
appendPrefix: boolean;
// Suffix string
suffix: string;
// Whether it will place a space between suffix and number
prependSuffix: boolean;
// Whether it should separate thousands
separateThousands: boolean;
// Thousands separator, default <space>
separator: string;
// Minimum number
min: number;
// Maximum number
max: number;
// Emit just number without prefix or suffix, default true
emitNumber: boolean;
// If true leaves at first input empty, default false
startEmpty: boolean;