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StreamBlocks Tycho Compiler Repository

Welcome to the StreamBlocks-Tycho compiler repository. This repository contains the frontend of the StreamBlocks dataflow compiler.

This README file is organized as follows:

  1. Getting started
  2. How to download this repository
  3. Dependencies
  4. Installation
  5. StreamBlocks Platforms
  6. Original Tycho repository
  7. Support

1. Getting Started

StreamBlocks-Tycho is a compiler for dataflow programs that supports most of Cal, RVC-CAL and a language for Kahn processes. This repository contains the frontend and the compiler infrastructure of the StreamBlocks-Tycho dataflow compiler and an example backend for C code generation.

2. How to download this repository

To get a local copy of the StreamBlocks-Tycho repository, clone this repository to the local system with the following commmand:

git clone streamblocks-tycho

3. Dependencies

To build Tycho, you need the following:

  • Java SE Development Kit 8 (or later)
  • Apache Maven
  • Git

4. Installation

StreamBlocks Tycho is installed using the following commands:

git clone streamblocks-tycho
cd streamblocks-tycho
mvn -DskipTests install

5. StreamBlocks Platforms

The StreamBlocks dataflow compiler has a code generator for multicore platforms and another one for reconfigurable computing using High-Level synthesis. The repository for those code-generators are located at the following link : streamblocks-platforms.

6. Original Tycho dataflow compiler repository

Tycho dataflow compiler compiler was developed by Lund University and the original repository is located here.

7. Support

If you have an issue with StreamBlocks-Tycho dataflow compiler please create a new issue in this repository.


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