The project is in initial development. More decorators and documentation will be added.
Storybook-decorators provides common Storybook decorators for enhancing the prototyping experience. Decorators are independent of each other meaning it is possible to use only a subset of the decorators provided. The library also provides a compose
function for composing decorators in natural order.
First, add storybook-decorators
add a dependency to your project:
$ npm install --save --dev storybook-decorators
In your story files, import and use the decorators you want:
import {storiesOf} from "@storybook/react";
import {background, centered, compose} from "storybook-decorators";
// Using compose is not required, but it flips the application order for the decorators and thus is more natural to read.
const decorate = compose(background, centered);
storiesOf("SomeComponent", module)
.add("Story 1", () => <div>Story 1</div>);