CGViewBuilder is a ruby script that generates JSON files for CGView.js from sequence files (e.g. GenBank, EMBL, FASTA).
CGViewBuilder consists of two files:
- cgview_builder.rb contains the CGViewBuilder class which can be used by other ruby programs.
- cgview_builder_cli.rb is a command line interface to the CGViewBuilder class.
- Download the git repository.
- Install CGViewBuilder's one dependency BioRuby:
gem install bio
- Confirm installation by running the test script:
ruby cgview_builder_cli.rb [OPTIONS]
Usage: cgview_builder_cli.rb [options]
Required Arguments:
-s, --sequence FILE Sequence File [GenBank for now]
-m, --map_id STRING ID for map [Default: Random 40 character hex string]
-n, --map_name STRING Name for map
-o, --outfile FILE Write JSON to this file
General Options:
-c, --config FILE Config File
-b, --blasts FILEs One or more blast files (separated by ,)
-v, --version Print version
-h, -?, --help Show this message
An optional config YAML can be provided to CGViewBuilder. This file will can be used to set default values for the generated JSON (e.g. colors, legends, captions, etc). See the commented example for details.