devcontainer (DevPod)
Use this repo to test a devcontainer with the help of devpod.
This container contains a large number of development tools.
For further information on devpod visit
- Features
- Preperation / Installation
- Usage
- Provider Inactivity Timeout
- Provider Options
- zsh Shortcuts
- Neovim (nvchad) Shortcuts
- Mirror
- Related Links
This development container (Debian 12) has the following features:
- Contains all tools for ansible development
- Starship Cross Shell Prompt
- Uses a customizable user account instead of root
- Container uses persistent volume for the shell history
- git inclusive default config
- lf file manager incl. fzf support
- neovim complete IDE nvchad
- pre-commit
- ripgrep
- sudo command available without password
- tmux inclusive plugins & themes
- vim
- zsh with syntax-highlighting & autosuggestions
- Uses the local credentials (docker/git/ssh) from the client
Install the devpod cli with the following command.
curl -L -o devpod "" && sudo install -c -m 0755 devpod /usr/local/bin && rm -f devpod
curl -L -o devpod "" && sudo install -c -m 0755 devpod /usr/local/bin && rm -f devpod
md -Force "$Env:APPDATA\devpod"; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Tls,Tls11,Tls12';
Invoke-WebRequest -URI "" -o $Env:APPDATA\devpod\devpod.exe;
$env:Path += ";" + $Env:APPDATA + "\devpod";
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
curl -L -o devpod "" && sudo install -c -m 0755 devpod /usr/local/bin && rm -f devpod
curl -L -o devpod "" && sudo install -c -m 0755 devpod /usr/local/bin && rm -f devpod
First prepare your provider. This example shows the docker provider.
devpod provider add docker
Type the following command to start the container.
devpod up ./ --ide none
devpod up --ide none
or with personal dotfiles and VSCode.
devpod up ./ --dotfiles --ide vscode
Currently the following IDEs are supported:
- clion
- fleet
- goland
- intellij
- jupyternotebook
- none
- openvscode
- phpstorm
- pycharm
- rider
- rubymine
- vscode
- webstorm
The following command start your vscode and connect remotely to your development container.
devpod up --ide vscode
The IDE option openvscode
starts a VSCODE instance in your local
Connect to your devcontainer with the following command:
ssh devcontainer.devpod
Automatically shutdown unused workspaces to save costs with the following provider option. The following command sets the timeout to 10min for the ssh provider.
devpod provider update ssh -o INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT=10m
You can list the table of provider's options by using
devpod provider options ssh
Inside the terminal you can use the following shortcuts:
Key | Command |
[CTRL-o] | starts lf file manager |
[CTRL-n] | starts neovim |
[CTRL-p] | run pre-commit run -av |
[CTRL-l] | clear screen |
Use the following shortcuts in neovim.
Key | Command |
[space]th | change the theme |
[space]ff | open telescope fuzzy finder |
[space]fa | open telescope fuzzy finder (all files) |
[space]fw | open telescope live grep |
[space]gt | show git diff/status |
[space]gb | show git blame (current line) |
[CTRL-n] | to open nvimtree |
You can fix this by setting the correct file type for the current buffer:
:set ft=yaml.ansible
This repo is only a mirror from a private gitea instance.