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James Hollway edited this page Jul 2, 2020 · 1 revision

The following pages give brief descriptions of a number of data sets and provide the data in formats that can be used by SIENA. All data sets are collected in "zip" files and have a bit of documentation about the data collection. Some data sets have a ".csv" file that can be used in the RSiena function sienaDataCreateFromSession and also in the siena01Gui and the visone interface.

Some data sets have, for those who still use SIENA 3, examples of some ".in" files that can be used by those who wish to run SIENA 3 outside of StOCNET. Note that this now is out of date, and superseded by RSiena.

  • EIES data description and data set (longitudinal)
  • Kapferer Taylor shop data description and data set (longitudinal)
  • Lazega lawyers data description and data set
  • Gerhard van de Bunt students data description and data set (longitudinal)
  • Evelien Zeggelink students data description and data set (longitudinal)
  • Marijtje van Duijn students data description and data set (longitudinal; also contains data about activities important to the students)
  • description and data set of the data (longitudinal, networks and behavior) collected by Andrea Knecht, used in the tutorial, Snijders, T.A.B., Steglich, C.E.G., and van de Bunt, G.G. (2010), Introduction to actor-based models for network dynamics. Social Networks, 32, 44-60, Also the visualization by visone.
  • Codebook for the study Andrea Knecht (2006), Networks and actor attributes in early adolescence [2003/04], Utrecht, The Netherlands Research School ICS, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University (ICS-Codebook no. 61); collected by Andrea Knecht at the Department of Sociology, University of Utrecht. The data are available from the Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), Postbus 93067, 2509 AB Den Haag, The Netherlands. Also the visualization of this data by visone.
  • 50-actor excerpt from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study data set of West et al.: description and data set (longitudinal, 3 waves, networks and behavior); various RSiena scripts from the manual also use this data set.
  • Glasgow data set from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study study of West et al.: description and data set (longitudinal, 3 waves, networks and behavior).
  • Baerveldt's Dutch Social Behavior data: description and data set (longitudinal, 19 schools, 2 waves, networks and behavior).
  • Data of support between 64 characters in the Harry Potter books, made available by Goele Bossaert and Nadine Meidert: description and data set (longitudinal, 64 characters, 7 waves, network).
  • A wide collection of network data sets with further pointers is the UCI Network Data Repository.
  • A collection of longitudinal network data sets is in Sky Bender-deMoll's R package networkDynamicData.
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