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List of awesome learning and career development resources from the course and other credible sources for Front-end Web Developers. It will also serve as a free learning path. More to be added... Including what to learn next and updates to technologies covered.



  • Typescript is coming up in more and more in job postings!



JavaScript Library for building User Interfaces

React General Resources

React Community

React Online Playgrounds

React Tutorials

React General Tutorials
React Hooks
React and TypeScript
React Performance
React Interview Questions

React Tools

React Development Tools
  • react-devtools - Inspection of React component hierarchy in the Chrome and Firefox Developer Tools
  • react-hot-loader - Tweak React components in real time
  • react-loadable - A higher order component for loading components with promises
  • loadable-components - React code splitting made easy
  • reactotron - A desktop app for inspecting your React and React Native projects
  • storybook - UI component dev & test
  • docz - Zero Config, live-reloading documentation with Markdown + JSX
  • react-styleguidist - Isolated React component development environment with a living style guide
  • react-cosmos - Dev tool for creating reusable React components
  • eslint-plugin-react - React specific linting rules for ESLint
  • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y - Static AST checker for a11y rules on JSX elements
  • @axe-core/react - Accessibility auditing for React applications
  • DataFormsJS JSX Loader - Small JavaScript Compiler for quickly converting JSX to JS directly on a web page
  • Why Did You Render - Monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders.
  • Divjoy - React codebase and UI generator to speed up development (paid)
  • Plasmic - Powerful design tool for building your React components visually.
  • jsx-ast-utils - AST utility module for statically analyzing JSX
  • react-scanner - Extract React components and props usage from code
React Starter Kits and Toolchains
  • create-react-app - Set up a modern Web app by running one command
  • Razzle - Build production ready React applications. Razzle is toolchain for modern static and dynamic websites and web applications
  • Neutrino React Preset - @neutrinojs/react is a Neutrino preset that supports building React web applications
  • react-starter-kit - Isomorphic Web app boilerplate
  • create-react-library - CLI for creating reusable, modern React libraries using Rollup and create-react-app.
  • tsdx - Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development
React Frameworks
  • next.js - The React Framework
  • gatsby.js - Free and open source framework based on React
  • react-admin - Frontend Framework for building B2B applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs
  • remix - Finally, a killer React framework from the creators of React Router
  • Blitz - The Fullstack React Framework
  • aleph.js - The React Framework in Deno
  • refine - A React-based framework for building data-intensive applications in no time.
React Styling
  • styled-components - Visual primitives for the component age
  • emotion - Library designed for writing CSS styles with JavaScript
  • radium - A toolchain for React component styling
  • jss - Authoring tool for CSS
  • aphrodite - Framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS with support for server-side rendering, browser prefixing, and minimum CSS generation
  • linaria - Zero-Runtime CSS in JS
  • stitches - CSS-in-JS with near-zero runtime, SSR, multi-variant support, and a best-in-class developer experience
  • vanilla-extract - Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript
React Routing
  • react-location - Enterprise Client-Side Routing for React
  • react-router - Declarative routing for React
  • navi - Declarative, asynchronous routing for React
  • curi - JavaScript router for single-page applications
  • reach - Next Generation Routing for React
  • universal-router - A simple middleware-style router for isomorphic JavaScript web apps
  • wouter - A minimalist-friendly ~1.3KB routing library
React Component Libraries
  • material-ui - React components for faster and easier web development
  • blueprint - A React-based UI toolkit for the webs
  • Fluent UI - A set of React components for building Microsoft web experiences
  • react-bootstrap - Bootstrap components built with React
  • reactstrap - Simple React Bootstrap 4 components
  • ant-design - A design system with values of Nature and Determinacy
  • chakra-ui - Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications
  • semantic-ui-react - The official Semantic-UI-React integration
  • evergreen - Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment
  • grommet - A react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package
  • rebass - React primitive UI components built with styled-system
  • reakit - Accessible, Composable and Customizable components for React
  • rsuite - A suite of React components
  • atlaskit - Atlassian's official UI library, built according to the Atlassian Design Guidelines.
  • baseweb - Base Web is a foundation for initiating, evolving, and unifying web products.
  • primereact - A complete UI Framework for React with 50+ components featuring material, bootstrap and custom themes.
  • eui - Elastic UI Framework
  • react-spectrum - Adobe's collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences
  • ring-ui - JetBrains Web UI components
  • react-bulma-components - React components for Bulma framework
  • react-bulma - React.js components for Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
  • trunx - Super Saiyan React components, son of awesome Bulma, implemented in TypeScript
  • bumbag-ui - Build accessible & themeable React applications with your Bumbag
  • Mantine – A fully featured React library with 100+ hooks and components with native dark theme support
  • radix - An open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps
React Awesome Components
React Testing
React Libraries
  • react-border-wrapper - A wrapper for placing elements along div borders in React.
  • react-magic - Automatically AJAXify plain HTML with the power of React
  • react-toolbox - A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification
  • tcomb-react - Library allowing you to check all the props of your React components
  • react-responsive - Media queries in react for responsive design
  • preact - Fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API.
  • riotjs - A React-like, 3.5KB user interface library
  • Maple.js - Bringing the concept of web-components to React
  • react-i13n - A performant, scalable and pluggable approach to instrumenting your React application
  • react-icons - svg react icons of popular icon packs
  • react-open-doodles - Awesome free illustrations as react components.
  • Keo - Plain functions for a more functional Deku approach to creating React components, with functional goodies such as pipe, memoize, etc...
  • Bit - A virtual repository for managing and using react and other web components across applications
  • AtlasKit - Atlassian's React UI library
  • ReactiveSearch - UI components library for Elasticsearch
  • Slate - A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
  • react-json-schema - Construct React elements from JSON by mapping JSON definitions to React components that you expose.
  • react-lodash - Lodash as React components
  • react-helmet - A document head manager for React
  • react-snap - Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
  • Draft.js - A React framework for building text editors
  • refract - Harness the power of reactive programming to supercharge your components
  • react-desktop - OS X and Windows UI components built with React
  • reapop - A simple and customizable React notifications system
  • react-extras - Useful components and utilities for working with React
  • react-instantsearch - Lightning-fast search for React and React Native applications, by Algolia
  • uppy - The next open source file uploader for web browsers
  • react-motion - A spring that solves your animation problems
  • react-esi - React Edge Side Includes
  • react-aria - Adobe's library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for your design system
  • react-uploady - Modern file-upload components & hooks for React.
React Integration
React State Management
  • redux - Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps
  • mobx - Simple, scalable state management
  • react-query - Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
  • flux - Application architecture for building user interfaces
  • recoil - Experimental state management library for React apps
  • jotai - Bottom-up approach to React state management with an atomic model
  • xstate-react - State machines and statecharts for the modern web
  • zustand - Bear necessities for state management in React
  • easy-peasy - Vegetarian friendly state for React
  • hookstate - The simple but very powerful and incredibly fast state management for React that is based on hooks
  • effector - Fast and powerful reactive state manager
  • reactn - React, but with built-in global state management
  • react-facet - Observable-based state management for performant game UIs built in React
React AR and VR
  • Viro React - Platform for rapidly building AR/VR applications using React Native
React Renderers
  • formik - Build forms in React, without the tears
  • react-hook-form - React Hooks for forms validation
  • react-jsonschema-form - A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema
  • react-final-form - High performance subscription-based form state management for React
  • unform - Performance-focused API for React forms
  • formily - Alibaba Group Unified Form Solution
  • uniforms - A React library for building forms from any schema
  • formsy-react - A form input builder and validator for React
  • react-formal - Sophisticated HTML form management for React
  • vest - Declarative form validation framework inspired by unit testing syntax.
Data Managing
  • immer - Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one
  • ReSub - A library for writing better React components and data stores
  • immutable-js - Immutable Data Collections for Javascript
  • baobab - JavaScript & TypeScript persistent and optionally immutable data tree with cursors
  • WatermelonDB - 🍉 Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native apps ⚡️
  • RxDB - A realtime Database for JavaScript Applications
  • react-googlemaps - React interface to Google maps
  • react-maps - A map component for React
  • react-google-maps - React.js Google Maps integration component
  • react-gmaps - A Google Maps component for React.js
  • react-map-gl - A React wrapper for MapboxGL-js plus overlay API
  • google-map-react - Isomorphic google map React component
  • react-mapbox-gl - A mapbox-gl-js wrapper to make the API react friendly
  • google-maps-react - A declarative Google Map React component using React, lazy-loading dependencies, current-location finder and a test-driven approach by the Fullstack React team.
  • react-leaflet - React components for Leaflet maps
  • react-geo - A set of geo-related components using react, antd, and ol
  • pigeon-maps - ReactJS maps without external dependencies
  • vx - Visualization components
  • victory - A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations
  • react-vis - Data Visualization Components
  • recharts - Redefined chart library built with React and D3
  • nivo - Provides a rich set of data visualization components, built on top of the D3 and React libraries
  • echarts-for-react - Apache ECharts components for React wrapper
  • react-apexcharts - React Component for ApexCharts
  • chartify - React plugin for building charts using CSS
React (Advanced Topics)

React Native

Framework for building native apps using React

React Native General Resources

React Native Tutorials

React Native Development Tools

React Native Sample Apps

React Native Boilerplates

  • Create React Native App - Create React Native apps that run on iOS, Android, and web
  • Ignite - The hottest CLI for React Native, boilerplates, plugins, generators, and more!

React Native Awesome Components


Video Tutorials

Demo React Apps

Real React Apps

  • spectrum – Simple, powerful online communities
  • mattermost - Open source Slack alternative

Still to be organised:

YouTube video tutorial on JavaScript DOM Crash Course - Part 1 that you may find helpful:

Title: JavaScript DOM Crash Course - Part 1 URL: Description: This video provides an introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript. It covers the basics of what the DOM is, how to access and manipulate elements on a web page using JavaScript, and how to use event listeners to respond to user actions.

And here's an article on "What's the Document Object Model, and why you should know how to use it" that you may find informative:

Title: What's the Document Object Model, and why you should know how to use it URL: Description: This article provides a comprehensive introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM), explaining what it is and why it's important for web development. It covers the structure of the DOM, how to access and manipulate elements using JavaScript, and how to use the DOM to respond to user events. It also includes examples and best practices for using the DOM effectively in your web projects.

Read the MDN Web Docs on querySelectorAll() and the MDN Web Docs on setAttribute()

The Document method querySelectorAll() returns a static (not live) NodeList representing a list of the document's elements that match the specified group of selectors. Here is the link to the documentation:

The Element.setAttribute() function sets the value of an attribute on the specified element. If the attribute already exists, the value is updated; otherwise, a new attribute is added with the specified name and value. Here is the link to the documentation:

Should I learn jQuery? Check out this article to learn more:'s%20good%20to%20know%20jQuery,the%20DOM%20with%20less%20code.

Here is a jQuery cheat sheet:

Here is a list of ridiculously impressive HTML5 canvas-based experiments that will make you say, "Wow!"

Here is an article that provides a simple guide to help you understand closures in JavaScript:

3.5 hours “JavaScript the Weird Parts”:

"Scope and closures" from the "You Don’t Know JS" series:

Check out this article for the best alternatives to Moment.js:

Here is a link to Emmet's cheat sheet:

Here is a link to a website that converts Unix timestamps:

Check out this article on the history of AJAX:

Here is an article on synchronous vs. asynchronous JavaScript, call stack, promises, and more:

GitHub cheatsheet:

Git and GitHub Tutorials #5 - Understanding GitHub Issues Link:

How to resolve merge conflicts in Git Link:

Here is a reference photo for GitHub branches! Link:

APIs: Big List of Free and Open Public APIs (No Auth Needed) [2022] Link:

CSS Flexbox

Algorithms and data structures:

Javascript fundamentals:

Coding challenge websites:

IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) JavaScript Immediately-invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) An Immediately-invoked Function Expression is a way to execute functions immediately, as soon as they are created. IIFEs are very useful because they don't pollute the global object, and they are a simple way to isolate variables declarations

HOC - Higher Order Functions and diving into function programming (good start) YouTubeYouTube | Fun Fun Function Higher-order functions - Part 1 of Functional Programming in JavaScript

Cool tip:

Update vs settings.json file with:

  "workbench.editorAssociations": {
    "*.md": "vscode.markdown.preview.editor",

Stack OverflowStack Overflow VSCode preview markdown by default 99.999999999% of my work with markdown files is reading. Can I enable preview mode by default for this files?

Review the ternary operator - Conditional (ternary) operator - JavaScript | MDN The conditional (ternary) operator is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands: a condition followed by a question mark (?), then an expression to execute if the condition is truthy followed by a colon (:), and finally the expression to execute if the condition is falsy. This operator is frequently used as an alternative to an if...else statement. JavaScript 30 Build 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials (931 kB)

hackinbitshackinbits Understanding Map in Javascript - Part 1 | hackinbits Map is a collection of key and value pairs, similar to Object. Let's learn the basics of Map in this article. (142 kB)

Blog - Bobby HadzBlog - Bobby Hadz How to Initialize a Map with Values in JavaScript | bobbyhadz Pass an array containing arrays of key-value pairs to the Map() constructor to initialize a Map with values. The first element in each array should be the key and the second, the value. (49 kB) YouTube | Before Semicolon Map/Dictionaries in javascript - When to use Map vs Object

Medium Making Objects Iterable in JavaScript Usually when we think of a data structure being iterable, we think of arrays and strings. JavaScript provides many ways to iterate over an…

markdown license badge images -

YouTube | The Net Ninja Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #1 - Introduction

Encapsulation - Inheritance - Abstraction - Polymorphism - Function expression vs function declaration -

How to clone an array in javascript - How to clone an array in JavaScript JavaScript has many ways to do anything. I’ve written on 10 Ways to Write pipe/compose in JavaScript [/news/10-ways-to-write-pipe-compose-in-javascript-f6d54c575616/], and now we’re doing arrays. 1. Spread Operator (Shallow copy) Ever since ES6 dropped, this has been the most popular method.

Shallow copy vs deep copy difference How to differentiate between deep and shallow copies in JavaScript MediumMedium Node.Js == C++ ? A lot of Node.js users don’t know that a great portion of its modules are actually implemented in C++. In this article, we will take a… Reading time 4 min read Arrange, Act and Assert Pattern: The Three A's of Unit Testing | Rob Marshall How to use Arrange Act Assert pattern in unit testing, and why it is so helpful. Arrange-Act-Assert is powerful because it is simple. By keeping the tests short and concise means clean tests. (36 kB) Prototype Design Pattern in JavaScript | DigitalOcean Any JavaScript developer has either seen the keyword prototype, confused by the prototypical inheritance, or implemented prototypes in their code. The Protot…

Tip - extension - ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets - Visual Studio Marketplace Extension for Visual Studio Code - Extensions for React, React-Native and Redux in JS/TS with ES7+ syntax. Customizable. Built-in integration with prettier. MediumMedium What’s the Difference Between Synthetic React Events and JavaScript Events? Understanding the key differences between JavaScript events Reading time 8 min read Deployment | Create React App npm run build creates a build directory with a production build of your app. Set up your favorite HTTP server so that a visitor to your site is served index.html, and requests to static paths like /static/js/main..js are served with the contents of the /static/js/main..js file. For more information see the production build section. YouTube | Tech With Tim React For Beginners #1 - Introduction & Environment Setup (great video introducing a bunch of react hooks) YouTubeYouTube | Fireship 10 React Hooks Explained // Plus Build your own from Scratch A great React Resource for you all. The instructor broke down each concept in React into singular videos, so you can jump into a particular concept that you may be struggling with, without having to watch an entire single course video. I think it's a great idea and I think getting another perspective on these topics is also a good idea. shallow() vs mount() MediumMedium Testing with Jest and Enzyme in React — Part 4 (shallow vs. mount in Enzyme) Most of us have a problem of clarifying When to use shallow and when to use mount when testing with Enzyme. In this tutorial, I am going… Reading time 7 min read vscode-icons - Visual Studio Marketplace Extension for Visual Studio Code - Icons for Visual Studio Code

short tutorial on the openWeatherMap API

Register for a free account on RapidAPI Giphy, and GNews Promises in JavaScript | Zell Liew Have you encountered promises in JavaScript and wondered what they are? Why are they called promises? Are they related to a promise you make to another person in any way? Furthermore, why do you use promises? What benefits do they have over traditional callbacks for asynchronous JavaScript YouTubeYouTube | Fun Fun Function Promises - Part 8 of Functional Programming in JavaScript How to Add a Netlify Form to a React App Built with create-react-app If you are a web developer, at some point you will need to capture information from people who use your website or app. One way of doing so is by using HTML forms. But there are also tons of frameworks out there that you can use to build web apps

a list of 'free programming books' There's a mix of free online books and other resources that you may find useful How to Install NodeJS In this guide, we'll walk through the steps we need to take to install NodeJS onto our Windows or macOS machines. redditreddit Why does Instagram have so many empty div elements in their code?

See for more about ignoring files.




A curated list of awesome learning and career development resources for Front End Web Developers.







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