This repo contains all the slides and code related to my talk Let's Have a Look At ArangoDB.
The slides for this talk are powered by Reveal.js and reveal-md.
To run the slides locally use yarn slides
|--assets/ # Contains all media assets for the slides
|--slides.css # Custom styling for slides
| # Actual slide contents
|------index.js # The actual service code
|------manifest.json # Information about the service
| # The zipped contents of this directory
|----helper.js # Reused code
|----init-database.js # Creates the database
|----init-people.js # Creates a new document collection
|----init-view.js # Creates a new ArangoSearch view
|--queries.json # Contains queries that can be imported
| # Runs the ArangoDB Docker container
Any available recordings of this talk will be linked below: