A Material Design-style transition, inspired by this animation from Dmytro Prudnikov.
The small view in the presenting view controller to transition from.
The large view in the presented view controller to transition to.
The views in the presented view controller that fade in at the end of the transition. (Optional)
In the presenting view controller, initialise a property for the transitioning delegate:
self.transitioningDelegate = [MZMaskZoomTransitioningDelegate new];
Assign the smallView
and transitioningDelegate
in prepareForSegue:sender:
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
self.transitioningDelegate.smallView = sender; // The view you are transitioning from.
segue.destinationViewController.transitioningDelegate = self.transitioningDelegate;
segue.destinationViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCustom;
Implement the MZMaskZoomTransitionPresentedViewController
protocol in the presented view controller:
@synthesize largeView, viewsToFadeIn;
- (NSArray *)viewsToFadeIn
return @[self.label1, self.label2, self.label3]; // Any views you want to fade in at the end of the transition.
- (UIView *)largeView
return self.someLargeView; // The view you are transitioning to.
Default duration is 0.25 seconds.
Default is YES. It's set to NO when dismissing a view controller (see MZMaskZoomTransitioningDelegate
Default is NO. Set to YES if you want the dismiss transition to shrink the view down to zero. This is useful if the smallView
in the presenting view controller is no longer visible (e.g. item was deleted).
To install via CocoaPods, add to your podfile:
pod 'MaskZoomTransition', '~> 0.1'
- Transition inspired by Dmytro Prudnikov's User Profile Interface Animation (found here)
- Avatars from Placeit
- Names generated by uinames.com
- Colours chosen from Google's Material Design spec and flatuicolorpicker.com
MaskZoomTransition is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.