- Project Outline
- User Story Map
- Technology Used
- Design Notes
- Links
- Credits And Thanks
- Contributing
- Questions
- Screenshots of Deployed Application
ShiftAssist is a tool designed to significantly reduce the time and effort required to construct a volunteer roster for large-scale events like music festivals.
- Accepts Volunteer registrations
- Displays Volunteer and shift data
- Used to assign Volunteers to shifts
- Formik was used with Material-UI to create the Volunteer Registration Form, and the Yup npm package was used for form data validation
- faker.js was used to populate example data (none of the volunteer data in the deployed application contains authentic personal information)
SimpleTut's guide on creating forms with Formik and Material-UI (YouTube) was used as a reference for the volunteer registration form.
User zurfyx's ScrollToTop implementation with React Hooks as described on Stack Overflow.
To contribute to this project, please reach out to the creator via email (contact details below).
For any questions pertaining to this project, the developer can be reached via any of the contact methods listed below. Please ensure that you include the name of this project ("ShiftAssist") or repository ("shift-assist") in any communications.