This is a bit of a hectic project that I did in the past.
Project can be found here:
The original plan was to control a remote control car via an onboard Arduino Microcontroller wchich recieved instructions via a computer connected via USB. The computer would use its camera and OpenCV Image Classification trained on detecting left, right, stright, reverse driving directions.
I did not have success in using OpenCV's classifier. I got so frustrated that I abandoned OpenCV. I remember the OpenCV Documentation being very non-user firendly. So, I moved on to using TensorFlow which I had some familiarity with on Android. I started figuring out and testing how to send the microcontroller commands from and Android device which is why there is an Android Project on this repository.
Side note:
- I uploaded this project which I abandoned 2 years ago. I started this project December 2016 and abandoned it May 2017. I learned a lot from it.
- Cloned from the Tensor Flow Demo Classification Andorid Project: