This package implements Deep Structured Mixtures of Gaussian Processes (DSMGP) [1] in Julia 1.3.
To use this package you need Julia 1.3 installed on your machine.
Inside the Julia REPL, you can install the package in the Pkg mode (type ]
in the REPL):
pkg> add
After the installation you can load the package using:
using DeepStructuredMixtures
Note that the package will be compiled the first time you load it.
The package can be used from python using the excelent pyjulia package:
The following example explains the usage of DeepStructuredMixtures
. Note that this example assume that you have Plots
installed in your Julia environment.
First, we load the necessary libraries:
using Plots
using DeepStructuredMixtures
using Random
Now we can create some synthetic data or load some real data:
xtrain = collect(range(0, stop=1, length = 100))
ytrain = sin.(xtrain*4*pi + randn(100)*0.2)
We will now use a squared exponential kernel-function with a constant mean-function to fit the DSMGP. See API for more options.
kernelf = IsoSE(1.0, 1.0)
meanf = ConstMean(mean(xtrain))
Now we can construct a DSMGP on our data and find optimial hyperparameters.
K = 4 # Number of splits per product node
V = 3 # Number of children per sum node
M = 10 # Minimum number of observations per expert
model = buildDSMGP(reshape(xtrain,:,1), ytrain, V, K; M = M, kernel = kernelf, meanFun = meanf)
Note that for large data sets it is recommended to train the DSMGP with V = 1
and use the hyper-parameters to initialise the training of a model with V > 1
model1 = buildDSMGP(reshape(xtrain,:,1), ytrain, 1, V; M = M, kernel = kernelf, meanFun = meanf)
# get hyper-parameters
hyp = reduce(vcat, params(leftGP(model1.root), logscale=true))
model = buildDSMGP(reshape(xtrain,:,1), ytrain, K, V; M = M, kernel = kernelf, meanFun = meanf)
# set hyper-parameters instead of learning from scratch
setparams!(model.root, hyp)
train!(model, randinit = false)
Finally, we can plot the model:
and use it for predictions:
xtest = collect(range(0.5, stop=1.5, length = 100))
m, s = predict(model, reshape(xtest,:,1))
err = DeepStructuredMixtures.invΦ((1+0.95)/2)*sqrt.(s)
plot(xtest, m)
plot!(xtest, m + err, primary=false, linestyle=:dot)
plot!(xtest, m - err, primary=false, linestyle=:dot)
Note that all methods assume that xtrain
and xtest
are matrices, which is why we use reshape(xtest,:,1)
to reshape the respective vectors to a matrix.
# A constant mean of zero aka zero-mean function.
# A squared exponential kernel-function with lengthscale 1 and std of 1.
IsoSE(1.0, 1.0)
# A squared exponential kernel-function with ARD and lengthscales of 1 and std of 1.
ArdSE(ones(10), 1.0)
# A linear kernel-function with lengthscale of 1.
# A linear kernel-function with ARD and lengthscales of 1.
# Composition of kernel-function for inference over kernel-functions.
KernelFunction[IsoSE(1.0, 1.0), IsoLinear(1.0)]
# An exact Gaussian process
GaussianProcess(trainx, trainy, mean = meanf, kernel = kernelf)
# A (generalized) product of experts (PoE) model with K splits per node and a miminum of M observations per expert
buildPoE(trainx, trainy, K; generalized = true, M = M, kernel = kernelf, meanFun = meanf)
# A (robust) Bayesian comittee machine (BCM) model with K splits per node and a miminum of M observations per expert
# ! Training not implemented !
buildrBCM(x, y, K; M = M, kernel = kernelf, meanFun = meanf)
# A deep structured mixture of GPs (DSMGP) model with K splits per product node, V children per sum node and a miminum of M observations per expert.
buildDSMGP(x, y, V, K; M = M, kernel = kernelf, meanFun = meanf)
# train a model for 1000 iterations using RMSProp
train!(model, iterations = 1_000)
# fit the posterior of a hierarchical model, e.g. gPoE
# fit the posterior of a DSMGP using shared Cholesky
# make predictions using a model, i.e., compute mean (s) and variance (s).
m, s = prediction(model, testx)
# plot a model and the training data.
[1] Martin Trapp, Robert Peharz, Franz Pernkopf and Carl Edward Rasmussen: Deep Structured Mixtures of Gaussian Processes. To appear at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2020.