Simple web-service to find an ipv4 address which resolves to a given city name using the Maxmind geolite2 city geoip datasets. Essentially provides a reverse mapping of a regular maxmind lookup which returns the geo-location for a given ip address.
I previously wrote a version of the same service in python to get some practical experience in writing an end-to-end webapp while learning the language. I rewrote it here in java for similar reasons, particularly to get practical experience with the new language features added in java 8 (lambdas, nio updates, etc.) and to try out some recent java web-containers like dropwizard.
- Download and extract the latest maxmind csv data files from here.
- Update
with the paths to the blocks and location files. - Build the app with maven:
mvn clean install
- generates a 'fat jar'ip-for-city-<VERSION>.jar
- Run as
java -jar target/ip-for-city-VERSION>.jar server ip-for-city.yml