This library provides support for creating mindcraft levels (.mca files) and commands (that can be entered in the game console).
At the moment it only contains low-level primatives. The support for levels, blocks, player, etc is relatively complete, though has not yet been updated for Minecraft 1.10.
The next step is to add some high level combinators.
An example showing how to generate a (boring) chunk in a level can be found at:
At the moment, the only commands which are implemented are Give
and SetBlock
Instead of creating levels from scratch, it is possible to use Minecraft.Combinators
to create a minecraft function which uses SetBlock
to place a lot of blocks.
The building combinators were introduced by Tim Philip Williams is this blog post
At the momment, those combinators can not be used to generate worlds directly -- someone should fix that.
Much of the data comes from here:
This site looks promising as well:
The flattening in 1.13 and later,
Patches welcome!
- jeremy