Visualize what's happening in you Kubernetes cluster.
K8s-viz is Elm webapp to visualise what's going on in your cluster. I've found it rather difficult sometimes to properly explain relationships between various resources in Kubernetes world (like Deployments, ReplicaSets, Services...) so hopefully this tool will help.
- Setup K8s and make sure kubectl works as expected
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Run kubectl proxy from the project directory
cd k8s-viz kubectl proxy --www=./ --www-prefix=/ --api-prefix=/k8s-api/
- Open k8s-viz dashboard on
Build Elm webapp
elm-make Main.elm --output main.js
Build css
sass --update sass:css
This tools is inspired by Brendan Burns' visualiser - brendandburns/gcp-live-k8s-visualizer .