#POC Library
#####Create a new angular 6.0.3 project
ng new ui
#####Install node_module
npm install
#####Add example library
cd ui
ng g library exampleLibA
This creates the library in projects
#####Added routing to example library module
{path: "", component: ExampleLibAComponent}
#####Build example module
ng build --prod exampleLibA
creates a dist
folder with the builded library
#####Publish/Install in nexus repository
cd dist/example-lib-a
npm publish
pushes the builded module into a repo which is defined in .npmrc file
npm install exampleLibA
This will install exampleLibA in node_modules
For simplifying the test case scenario, we just copy the builded module to node_modules (could also be linked instead)
cp -R dist/example-lib-a/ node_modules/example-lib-a
Now I have my library in node_modules almost similar to npm install exampleLiabA
######Modify Master App
- Added routerLink and router-outlet to app.component.html
- Added RouterModule to app.module
######Try to run application
ng serve
ERROR in No NgModule metadata found for 'ExampleLibA'.
- Create a module wrapper in src/app and lazy load this wrapper module. Place tag inside tmpl of the component
- Refer to ../../projects/example-lib-a/src/lib/example-lib-a.module#ExampleLibAModule in loadChildren. In that case we need to create an (unused ) import of this file.