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Parametric CO2MPAS Inputs

stefanosts edited this page Aug 5, 2016 · 13 revisions

The tables bellow summarize the main inputs / parameters used by Parametric CO2MPAS.

You can find further information concerning the calculation of the unknown parameters (see bellow) in the relevant section, here.

Raw Input Parameters

Name Values Units Comments Parameter
Aspiration Method Turbo or Natural Aspiration - Turbo concerns all charging technologies engine_is_turbo
Cycle Type WLTP or NEDC - cycle_type
Dynamic Rolling Radius mm r_dynamic
Engine Capacity cc engine_capacity
Final Drive Ratio - final_drive_ratio
Fuel - fuel_type
Gear Box Ratios - gear_box_ratios
Gear Box Type manual or automatic - gear_box_type
Mass in Running Order kg running_order_mass
Nominal Power kW engine_max_power
Nominal Speed RPM engine_max_speed_at_max_power
Nominal Torque Nm engine_max_torque
Reference Mass kg vehicle_mass
Start Stop Technology - has_start_stop
Stroke mm engine_stroke
Unladen Mass kg unladen_mass
Velocity Profile km/hr, sec, - Velocity, Time, Gears times, velocities, gears
Wheel Drive 2WD or 4WD - n_wheel_drive

Default Parameters

Name Values Units Comments Parameter
Air Density 1.2 kg/m3 air_density
Auxiliaries Power Loss 0 kW auxiliaries_power_loss
Auxiliaries Torque Loss 0.5 Nm auxiliaries_torque_loss
Balance State of Charge 80 % state_of_charge_balance
Balance Window State of Charge 1 % state_of_charge_balance_window
Constant Angle Slope 0 radians angle_slope
Coolant Constant 0.4 - engine_coolant_constant
Coolant Flow 0.008 - engine_coolant_flow
Delta Speed Cold 50 RPM delta_speed_cold
Eco Mode for ATs True - eco_mode
Energy Recuperation System 1 - has_energy_recuperation
Full Load Curve table - full_load_curve
Heat to Engine Ratio 0.35 - heat_to_engine
Starting State of Charge 80 % 99% when running NEDC initial_state_of_charge
Starting Temperature 23 oC 25 when running NEDC initial_temperature
Temperature Increase when Engine is Off 0 oC temperature_increase_when_engine_off

Calculated / Derived Parameters

The table bellow summarizes the parameters which are calculated from the pool of measured cars / based on empirical formulas before being used to the model.

The functions for the calculation of the main of those parameters are provided in the relevant section along with some comments, here.

Name Values Units Comments Parameter
Alternator Charging Currents A Alternator ON/OFF & BERS - Function of Alternator Specs alternator_charging_currents
Alternator Efficiency - Average of Measured Cars alternator_efficiency
Alternator Nominal Power kW Average of Measured Cars alternator_nominal_power
Alternator Nominal Voltage V Average of Measured Cars alternator_nominal_voltage
AT Gear Box Models - Function of Average of Measured Cars and STV CMV & MVL
Battery Capacity Ah Function of Capacity battery_capacity
Electric Loads kW Engine ON/OFF, Function of Capacity electric_load
Engine Parameters - a, b, c, a2, b2, l, l2, t, trg - Function of Max Power, Capacity, Engine Type co2_params
Engine Thermostat Temperature oC From Engine Parameters engine_thermostat_temperature
Fuel Carbon Content gCO2/gFuel Function of Fuel fuel_carbon_content
Fuel Heating Value kJ/kg Function of Fuel engine_fuel_lower_heating_value
Gear-shifting - Only for Manuals - Calculated by the WLTP Tool gears
Idle Fuel Consumption gr/sec Function of Capacity engine_idle_fuel_consumption
Idle Speed RPM Function of Capacity idle_engine_speed_median
Max Battery Charging Current A Function of Capacity max_battery_charging_current
Max Engine Temperature oC Thermostat Temperature + 10oC temperature_max
Max Speed RPM Function of Nominal Speed engine_max_speed
Road Loads - F0, F1, F2, Calculates as Specified in the Relevant Section f0, f1, f2
Speed Velocity Ratios - Function of Final Drive, Gear Box Ratios, Dynamic Rolling Radius stv
Starting Current Demand A Function of Capacity start_demand
Start Stop Activation Time sec Function of Capacity start_stop_activation_time
Temperature Threshold oC Thermostat Temperature - 5oC temperature_threshold