Unified wrapper interface to read audio data from files at a
chosen sample rate. All stereo channels are merged into one channel.
All meta data is extracted as well.
List of file formats supported: .wav, .mp3, .mp2, .amr, .aifc, .ogg, .flac
You can install the library like so:
cmake .
make all
make install
The java bindings' native jni library:
cd bindings/java
cmake .
make all
make install
Install the java jar package in the local maven .m2 repository:
mvn install
(With the development header files)
- libsndfile v1.0 .21 (www.meganerd.com/libsndfile)
- libsamplerate v0.1 .7 (www.meganerd.com/src)
- libmpg123 v0.25.1 (www.mpg123.de)
- opencore-amrnb v0.0 .3 (sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr)
- opencore-amrwb v0.0 .3